It’s too much to take in at once.

And then he starts to move. Not thrusting himself in and out exactly, just swiveling so that he’s rubbing against that part of me that’s so sensitive from his earlier attentions.

My legs clench reflexively around his hips as all the sensations from earlier roar back to life.

What. The. Fuck.

Not again. Surely not again, not while he’s—

His large hand clutches my ass suddenly, kneading the flesh before tracing down and hiking my leg even higher around his hip.

And my fucking traitorous body moves with him, my foot notching behind his back and unwittingly positioning myself so that his cock settles even deeper when he pushes back in.

It’s just, the more he swivels, the more that liquid sensation in my stomach starts to go molten again. He gently rocks more and more until his cock slips in and out of me in small micro-thrusts.

At first there’s discomfort. But even that is countered by the rising tide of pleasure he’s managing to wring from my body again.

Eventually he starts pushing for more, thrusting his cock deeper inside me. And to my everlasting shame and confusion, my legs have come up and wrapped around his hips.

His huge chest brushes against my chest and his scent is everywhere. Leather and soap and man. His warm body over mine. Skin to skin. And his hard cock pressing inside me where no one has ever been before.

“So good,” he mumbles, “So tight. So good.”

He slips one arm underneath my back and grips my shoulder from behind, bracing himself on his elbow. His other hand grabs my ass so he can drag me on and off of his cock as his thrusts become more frantic. The position has us so close our chests are cemented together. He buries his face in the hollow of my neck as he pumps more and more furiously.

The pain is gone and all that’s left is the rising tide of pleasure and this man fucking me like his life depends on it.

And his cock.

He’s hitting so deep, in places I never imagined—

And the way it feels. It’s— I can’t— It—

All the while he grinds his pelvis up and against my clitoris.

Then his cock hits that spot deep inside and he’s clutching me so tight, closer and with more desperation than anyone’s held me in my whole life.

I can’t help but buck against him with every thrust as our bodies play out the most primitive act between man and woman.

He starts to suck and bite at my neck like he can’t help but to devour whatever part of me he has access to and God, oh God, it’s coming again, higher and deeper than before, harder and more soul-shaking than anything I’ve ever felt in my life—

If I thought I screamed earlier, it’s nothing to the screech that pours from the top of my lungs now. My legs spasm as they clench around his body. Oh— oh, oh ohhhhhhhhhhhh—

He pumps into me, more ferocious than ever, once, twice, and then a third time he thrusts deeper than I would have thought possible. He stills and clutches me to him.

For a second the world stops spinning and time stops ticking and everything is completely still except the pleasure exploding like a thousand fireworks lighting up our bodies.

The pulses of the orgasm just keep going and going and going.

He thrusts in and out lazily several more times and then pauses another long moment, head still buried in my neck. As rational thought returns, I wonder if he can even breathe there.

And then all the other thoughts come back.

Holy shit.

I just had sex.

This strang