“Oh God, you’re hung like a horse.”

He laughs—that low, throaty chuckle of his that I adore.

“Not quite,” he says, “which I bet you’re grateful for. Now hush and let me love you.”

I meet his eyes and I swear, if there were any corner of my heart this man hadn’t already conquered, yeah, I’d be a goner right here, right now. As it is, I lost all of myself to him a long time ago.

He holds me, chest to chest, impaling me so deep that with every thrust he hits that spot. I gasp and he kisses me, swallowing it.

“I love you,” I whisper between kisses.

“Love you too, Precious. Forever and always.”

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Continue on for a peek of Crush Me following the acknowledgements!

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Other Novels by Stasia Black

Crush Me

Please Me

Woman Named Red

Daddy’s Sweet Girl


Aimee Bowyer, like always, you are my magical unicorn beta reader and this book was no exception. Thank you for working on crazy timelines even when your own life was upended to get this one back to me on a tight deadline. You always help me shape my stories and characters into deeper, more meaningful places.

Trisha Wolfe—thank you again for reading while you’re on insane deadlines. Your feedback helped me with the last touchups to make this thing solid and I SO appreciate you! And I can’t wait to read your next book – I need it NOW!

Belinda Donaldson, thank you for your amazing, lightning fast read on this one. I’m always so nervous sending books out to my first few readers and your quick response and encouragement means SO much.

This book would be an ugly mess of miscapitalizations, grammar mistakes, and missing words without the proofreading genius of Maria Pease from The Paisley Editor. She’s awesome! Fellow authors, highest recommendations!

And thanks as always to super hubby, love of my life, shine in my star, google in my googolplex. Love you to friggin’ pieces.

About Stasia

Stasia Black is an author who’s drawn to romantic stories that don’t take the easy way out. She wants to see beneath people’s veneer and into their dark places, their twisted motives, and their deepest desires. She likes to toss her characters into the tempest and watch them hurt, fight, bleed, and then find out what, if anything, comes out the other side. Come along for the journey because it’s one helluva ride.

Sneak Peek of Crush Me

Available Now

Chapter 1