The man looked perfectly capable of beating someone to death. I’d have to wait for the autopsy, but it seemed like the murder weapon could have been a bat, and Colton definitely had the strength to swing one. I minimized all the other windows and homed in on Colton, digging through his file, trying to see if there were any links between him and Lionel. After an hour or two, I expanded my search, pulling up all his social media accounts and then clicking through each of his friends. Maybe there was a degree of separation between Colton and Lionel—a cousin’s friend, a girlfriend’s brother, an ex’s current lover. This part of the job took extra focus, since it was easy to miss a mention or two, especially knowing that Colton didn’t have a big social media presence to begin with.

“No one.” I stretched my legs under the table and rolled my neck. The sun had set on Blue Creek, making the search for the Pegasus that much harder for today. A yawn got stuck in my throat. I stood and tried to shake off the exhaustion. Today had been a day.


“Come in,” I said.

Darien opened the door, smiling as Houston flew past him. The cockatoo landed gracefully on the back of my chair, bobbing his head as I gave him a couple of chin scratches. In all my years of working as a freelance detective, I’d never found myself somewhere with an office parrot, and I really didn’t have any complaints about the feathered detective in training.

“Hey, Jason, I’ve got Harry here for you. He said he was your brother.”

It all hit me like a flash of lightning striking from a clear blue sky. My older brother was supposed to drive through for the weekend, and he’d asked if he could stay in my place. It had been a last-minute ask made when I was half-asleep. Of course I said yes, but I had completely forgotten about it until I now.

Out of all the weekends. Matt, Harry, and me all in the same five-mile radius again.

Just like old times.

“Right, yes, thanks, Darien.”

He stepped aside, and Harry replaced him, smiling wide with a face that looked vaguely like mine. He took after our dad, with a stronger brow and diamond-cut cheekbones whereas I’d inherited more of the softer features from our mom. His hair was a warm nutmeg color and shone under the white lights of my office, falling down past his ears. He came over and wrapped me in a familiar-feeling hug, his pleasant flowery cologne filling the air around us.

Darien tapped on his shoulder, and Houston flapped his wings, flying over and landing gently on his walking perch. Darrien offered a friendly wave and went back to his desk.

“This is a surprise,” I said, unable to keep the stress of the day from creeping into my voice.

“Did you forget? I was driving through for the weekend.”

“Yeah, kind of.” I rubbed the back of my neck, wondering if anyone else from my life would stroll in through the Stonewall doors. “It’s been a long-ass day.”

“Ugh, those are the worst kind. Everyone hates long asses. Keep that shit tight and perky.”

My brother glanced at my desk and quickly looked away, his face blanching by a shade or two.

“Sorry,” I said, quickly compiling the gruesome collection of photographs and placing them back in the folder. “Like I said, it’s been a day.”

“Is that about the Pegasus murders? It was already trending all over Twitter. People are playing at-home true crime detectives. It’s wild.”

I nodded, going to the minifridge against the corner of the room and taking out two water bottles before handing one to Harry. I wondered if he knew about Matt being here. They were best friends through and through, standing the test of time and still keeping in touch. Matt likely talked with Harry more than I did.

Still… Harry would have told me if he knew. At least, I assumed he would.

“Want to hear something truly wild?”

He lifted his head, looking at me as he leaned back against the wall. Harry always had a way to look effortlessly cool doing anything, whether it was standing still in a cramped room or walking the runways in New York Fashion Week, which he had done a couple of times already.

“What? You’re looking at me like that one time you thought you were dating a celebrity and he turned out to be a professional Lance Bass impersonator.”

I shrugged, chuckling. “I couldn’t even be mad at him. That guy has a talent.”

Harry cocked his head, smiling. “So what is it?”

“I’m surprised you don’t know… Matt’s here. He came this morning.”

“No fucking way.” Harry’s eyes popped open. “Matt is here, too? My Matt? He told me he was traveling, didn’t say where, though. I figured it was FBI shit and didn’t pry… what the fuck.” My brother shook his head, surprise shading the bright green specks in his hazel eyes.