Once in the solar, Rannick slipped his wife’s cloak off to drop on a bench.

“I think I recall Bram,” Bliss said. “If I am not mistaken, I tended him when a wound caused him to lose part of his earlobe.” She scrunched her brow. “But there is more,” —her eyes went wide— “now I know what it is. Lendra, one of the servants at Loudon keep, and a friend of mine, favored him, though he favored many women.”

“Then you will keep your distance from him,” Rannick ordered.

Bliss laughed lightly. “He showed not a bit of interest in me.”

Rannick did not mind at all that his wife did not have the stunning beauty that captured every man’s eye. If she did, he would forever be battling men… killing them was more likely since it would infuriate him if another man simply glanced at her.

Her plain features were just fine with him, not that he thought her plain. She had a subtle beauty that until recognized was ignored, but once discovered it was difficult not to admire it.

A knock sounded at the door and Rannick’s protective instinct, though it could be jealousy that another man would find his wife attractive, had him tugging her hand for her to join him to stand behind the table before he called out, “Enter.”

“Wait outside the door,” Rannick ordered the two warriors who escorted Bram and Damia into the solar.

Rannick should have known his wife would not stay at his side as soon as the woman, round with child, stood before them. She went to her, and he caught Bram’s glance roaming over his wife. He had good features, the kind that women would favor, and his stance was confident, and he had a good height to him.

“You should sit,” Bliss said, hurrying to the young lass and taking her by the arm to help her sit in a chair near the table. “When do you expect to deliver?”

“Three months, I think, my lady,” Damia said.

“We will talk once we are done here,” Bliss said, sensing her husband’s impatience. Besides this was not the time or place to discuss such matters with the woman. She hurried to join her husband and she almost smiled when he made sure their sides touched as if somehow it would keep her there beside him.

“We will start with you, Damia,” Rannick said, sure to have more questions for Bram. “Why did Brogan send you here?”

“I asked him too. “The woman with him, Annis—”

“You saw and spoke with Annis—my sister? She is well and not alone?” Bliss asked anxiously.

Damia got teary-eyed. “Annis is the bravest woman I have ever met. She saved me from being beaten by Lady Faline, Lord Brogan’s mother. She threw herself on top of me and took the whipping with the stick to protect me and my bairn.”

Bliss paled. “That would be my sister. Was she hurt badly?”

Damia rested her hand protectively over her rounded stomach. “She suffered several hard strikes before Lord Brogan arrived and stopped it.”

“Annis is staying at Clan MacRae?” Bliss asked anxiously, the thought of her being in the presence of a woman whose temper could cause harm worrying her, especially with Annis not being one to hold her tongue.

Damia shook her head. “Nay, my lady. Annis, Lord Brogan, and several other people reside in the area where,” —she hesitated a moment and lowered her voice to a whisper— “the witch in the hills is believed to live.”

Bliss didn’t bother to hide her shock. “Annis has found the witch?”

“I do not know, my lady. I have heard no such talk. All I know is that is where she and the others make their home. A craftsman joined them since they are building many dwellings and need help.”

Bliss smiled, knowing how happy her sister must be since she was involved in building dwellings, or anything for that matter, an interest and love she had had since young.”

“I asked to come here where my sister and grandfather reside, and Lord Brogan granted my request.” Tears filled her soft-blue eyes. “I did not know my grandfather had taken ill and died or that my sister, Lana, had wed and left the clan. I do not know what to do now.” She looked reluctantly to Rannick, purposely having avoided meeting his eyes before this. “Please, my lord, I beg you do not send me back to Clan MacRae. I fear I, nor the bairn, will survive. I would gladly return to Annis and Lord Brogan if you do not want me here.”

Bliss spoke up. “You are more than welcomed here and will not be sent back to Clan MacRae, and we can also let your sister know you are here.” Realizing too late, it was not her decision to make, she looked to her husband, not surprised to see him scowling. There was a time his scowl would have frightened her, not now. She smiled and hugged his arm. “Don’t you agree, husband?”