Before Chi could push her more on the subject, the DJ started the music, the “Feather Theme” again, and Ari and Matt entered their reception.

Ari clapped her hands to her mouth first when she saw all the robot-themed decorations and then again when Sebastian, looking like he would burst with pride, whipped the cover off another big surprise—Charlie’s champagne fountain. It was a cross between the Wizard of Oz’s Tin Man and the Lost in Space robot, and Charlie had added additional arms sticking out all around the fountain.

“You guys are amazing!” Ari said, laughing and crying at the same time.

Matt was grinning like a crazy person. Or like the happiest man in the entire world now that he had his friends, his son, and his wife to complete him.


Ari was clearly awestruck as she picked up a crystal flute and tipped it under one of the fountain’s hands, marveling when the robot’s face plate lit up, swirling with reds and greens and yellows and blues like one of those old mood rings, and then the champagne flowed into her glass.

Noah wrapped an arm around Ari’s leg. “Can I try?”

Charlie bent down to his level. “I made a special arm for you and all the kids here today.” She gave him a glass and told him to hold it under an arm that stretched out from the robot’s hip, until his glass filled with lemonade.

“Me too, please!” Jorge was practically shaking with excitement as he filled his glass. “Wow,” he said with such wonder he might have been looking at the paintings in the Sistine Chapel. “This is so cool.”

Ari pulled Charlie into a hug. “It’s amazing, Charlie. Thank you so much.”

“You’re awesome, as always, Charlie.” Matt toasted her. “Thank you.”

“It was a labor of love,” Charlie replied, her cheeks beginning to turn as red as her dress. She grinned as she added, “I thought you could put it to good use at the barbecues at your house.”

“You mean the margarita parties,” Sebastian quipped, his arm tight around Charlie’s waist as he held her close.

Noah tugged at Ari’s dress to get her attention. “Me and Jorge helped with all the Legos on the tables.”

Ari stroked his hair. “They’re amazing. And you’re awesome, sweetie. Thank you.” Then she tapped Jorge’s nose fondly. “And you too. You guys are the best.”

“So tell me how it all works.” Of course, as the robot guy, Matt needed to know all the particulars.

While Charlie described her magnificent machine, the rest of the guests lined up to fill their glasses from the fountain. Gideon backed away, slowly, as if he didn’t want anyone to notice him.

But Rosie noticed.

Her heart fluttered with emotion—and desire. The desire to bring him back, to help him be a part of things, to show him how wanted and needed he was.

Especially by her.

Chi was right. She had it bad.

* * *

Gideon didn’t recognize the song Ari had picked for her first dance, but as he hung back, watching from the sidelines by the bar, he noted that its sweet melody was perfect for the newly married couple’s waltz.

He wondered if they’d practiced, or if Matt Tremont was simply proficient at everything. Despite the Mavericks’ humble beginnings in a grimy neighborhood of Chicago, each man seemed to be a master of anything he touched. Ari had told Gideon their story—how the Spencers, with little money of their own, had taken in each of the Mavericks as teenagers to live with them and their children, Daniel, who was the same age as the Mavericks, and Lyssa, only a baby at the time. No question about it, they were an impressive lot, Susan and Bob Spencer especially, for their incredible generosity.

Bob slid his arm around Susan’s shoulders as they watched Matt and Ari’s first dance, Susan misty-eyed, Bob rubbing her shoulder. When the DJ announced that it was time for Mom and Dad to join in, Bob escorted Susan to the dance floor, then handed her into Matt’s arms while he took Ari into his with tenderness.

Matt’s fellow Mavericks watched, all smiles. Noah slipped his hand into Chi’s while Rosie held Jorge’s. She was so happy, so comfortable in her skin, such a great mother.

So great, period.

“And now,” the DJ called, “it’s time for the wedding party to get on the dance floor to help usher our bride and groom into their new life together!”

Gideon watched as Rosie paired again with Will, her partner on her walk down the aisle. She was so full of life and laughter as they twirled around the dance floor, her skirt swirling around Will’s legs.

What, Gideon was desperate to know, would it be like to hold her in his arms? To make her laugh that way? To feel the warmth of her body against his?