“Can Noah sleep over since it’s already so late?” Jorge was ever hopeful.

“Please, Uncle Gideon, can we do a sleepover?” Noah was just as optimistic.

“You don’t have any pajamas,” Gideon pointed out.

Of course, Jorge was quick to offer, “Noah can borrow some of mine.”

Gideon looked at Rosie to see what she thought of an impromptu sleepover.

She gave a one-shouldered shrug. “It’s okay with me if it’s okay with you.”

He smiled at Noah. “Okay, you can stay.”

The boys whooped, then raced inside.

“Don’t forget to brush your teeth,” Rosie called, then turned to him. “Noah’s actually got clothes and a few other things here—and since they’re always wanting to spend the night, Jorge’s got stuff at Noah’s house too. I’ve even got twin beds in Jorge’s room.” She barely paused for breath be

fore adding, “I’m sure they’d love it if you tucked them both in. And after that, why don’t you stay for a glass of wine? You know, to rehydrate after all that hopscotch.”

He should say no. He should go. He should do whatever he could to blast clear of Rosie’s sunny, sexy orbit. But what came out of his mouth was, “Okay, thanks. A glass of wine after story time sounds good.”

Chapter Twelve

She left him to tumble the boys into the twin beds in Jorge’s room while she opened the wine. Jorge’s walls were lined with bookshelves housing an astonishing library for a six-year-old. Like Noah, he was a voracious reader. Reading, Legos, and building cities in Noah’s huge sandbox were obviously Jorge’s passions. But especially art.

Just like his beautiful, talented mother.

“Are these all your drawings?” Gideon asked Jorge. The walls were papered with them.

“Yeah,” Jorge said proudly.

“They’re good.” Really good, like something an adult would do.

“Thank you.” The boy beamed with pride.

“You’re both such talented guys,” he said. “You with your amazing Lego creations and sandbox buildings, Noah, and Jorge, with your paintings.”

“Didn’t you like my painting?” Noah asked.

“’Course I did, kiddo. I’m going to hang it on the wall in my office.” Though Gideon was out and about most of the day, he also had an office at Top Notch headquarters, which was peppered with pictures of Ari and Noah. If he happened to stare a little too long and often at the pictures Rosie was in—as one of Ari’s best friends, it was inevitable there should be plenty of Rosie photos—well, no one needed to know about that. Least of all the woman wanting to share a glass of wine with him in the living room. “In fact, I’ll put your painting right next to the Lego spaceship you built me,” he told Noah.

“You can have one of my drawings too, Gideon,” Jorge said, his voice hopeful.

“Wow, thanks. Everyone is going to want to work in my office.” He lowered his voice. “But now let’s get you both to bed.”

He gave them each kisses, pulled the covers up to their chins, then started the what-to-read negotiation.

They considered one of the Horrid Henry books by Francesca Simon, or one of the Boxcar Children books, but in the end Jorge and Noah agreed that the story they most wanted to read was one of the Magic Tree House books by Mary Pope Osborne.

Revolutionary War on Wednesday was set in Colonial times, just as General George Washington was about to lead his army in a sneak attack.

Gideon sat on the edge of Noah’s bed, opened the book, and began to read aloud.

Noah leaned against his side, looking at the pictures. “Look at those funny clothes they’re wearing.”

“That’s how they dressed back then, during the Revolutionary War,” Gideon said.

Of course, Jorge had to scramble out of bed to see so that both boys were huddled on either side of Gideon.