They were tearing up the dance floor, getting down to boogie with whoever would take them on. Adorable was right.

“They’re going to be a couple of little heartbreakers one day. Speaking of which…” Kelsey glanced over the assembled guests. “Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s noticed just how many gorgeous men there are here.”

“There are,” Chi agreed, “although all the gorgeous Mavericks are already taken.”

Lyssa made a face. “Ick. They’re my brothers. I can’t think of them that way.”

“Well, there must be someone here you’ve got your eye on,” Kelsey said.

Like Lyssa, Kelsey was ten years younger than her oldest brother, Evan. Kelsey’s twin, Tony, was out on the dance floor with an older woman who was holding him way too close. Or maybe she just needed him to prop her up after too many champagne toasts. Kelsey and Tony weren’t identical, but they shared similar features and the same light brown hair, though Kelsey’s was long and streaked with blond. It was Tony and Evan who could have been the twins, despite their age difference.

When Lyssa didn’t answer quickly enough, Kelsey pointed out an exceptionally good-looking, broad-shouldered man with closely cropped hair. “How about him?”

Lyssa snorted. “That’s Gabe Sullivan. He’s a firefighter in the city. And he’s most definitely taken. But that’s okay, because I’ve actually got my eye on him.” She pointed out a man halfway around the dance floor. He was tall, handsome, and definitely in shape—and considerably older than she. “I like older men,” she said, obviously anticipating their responses. Lyssa sighed, a little bit dreamy, a little bit playful. “Oh yes, Cal Danniger definitely has my name written all over him. In lipstick.”

“What the hell?”

Lyssa whirled around. Her brother Daniel was standing right behind them.

Glowering as protectively as Rosie had ever seen him, Daniel said, “Cal Danniger is not for you.”

Lyssa put her hands on her hips and held her brother’s gaze, her eyes equally full of challenge. Almost as though she was daring him to say the wrong thing. “Excuse me?”

Daniel breathed deeply, obviously restraining himself from saying something harsh in response. He was usually so easygoing. Clearly, Lyssa had found his trigger point and pressed down hard on the red detonation button. “Not only does Cal work for me,” Daniel growled, “he’s also twenty years older than you. He’s off-limits.”

Lyssa narrowed her eyes as she took a step toward her brother, coming toe-to-toe with him. “He’s for me if I say he’s for me.”

Whoa. The Mavericks were usually one big, happy family. The guys adored Lyssa, and she adored them. Then again, Lyssa was twenty-six, she had a great job in Chicago, she supported herself—and Daniel was being downright overprotective.

Especially when he said, “You’re not listening, little sister. I won’t allow you to date him.”

“Uh-oh, major explosion time,” Chi whispered as Lyssa tipped up her chin defiantly and opened her mouth to blast him with a fiery reply.

Fortunately, before any volcanic eruptions could ensue, Tasha Summerfield appeared at Daniel’s side. Clearly, she’d seen the moment brewing from afar. “There you are,” Tasha said as she looped her arm through Daniel’s. “This is my favorite song. Come dance with me.”

Rosie very much doubted that “Achy Breaky Heart” was Tasha’s favorite tune, but right now it was far more important to pull brother and sister apart before things got ugly.

Still, Daniel managed to slash his sister with one last look, again saying, “He’s not for you,” before Tasha whisked him away.

Eyes narrowed on her brother’s back, her lips in a tight pucker, Lyssa was utterly infuriated. “Could he be any more overbearing?”

“He’s just looking out for you,” Chi said, always diplomatic.

Rosie agreed. She would have given anything to have a big brother looking out for her when she’d met Jorge’s dad.

“I know,” Lyssa said. “But it won’t just be him. All five of them are going to think they need to protect me. Six, when you add Gideon into the mix.” She grimaced. “You’d think I was still fifteen and one of Daniel’s friends was hitting on me.”

“Doesn’t he realize that now you’re going to absolutely want Cal?” Kelsey shook her head. “It’s like waving the red flag at a bull. Or rather, the matador—since you’re way too pretty to be a bull.”

Lyssa mimed waving a red flag from side to side, then lowered her voice dramatically. “He’s the bull—” She gave a quick nod in the handsome Cal Danniger’s direction. “—and he won’t know what’s hit him.”

Chi curled her arm around Rosie’s neck and pulled her close to say in a low voice, “Maybe you should shake your flag at the object of your desire.”

“My flag or my booty?” Though he’d fled the table at lightspeed, Rosie was still relishing the ecstasy she’d found in Gideon’s arms while they danced, as they’d fed each other morsels off their plates, when he’d touched her during her speech.

“How about both?” Chi suggested with the naughtiest of giggles.

“What are you two whispering about?” Kelsey bumped hips with Chi, knocking her lightly into Rosie.