He picked her up in his arms as if he were carrying her over the threshold. “We’ll christen this bed first. Just like we christened the one in the cabin.”

He’d never brought a woman here. Hotel rooms were anonymous, with fewer expectations. But this time he was the one with expectations. With hopes and dreams, ones he believed she shared.

During the drive, he’d wanted to tell her about his conversation with his mother, but he’d sensed Tasha was nervous and didn’t want to add to her tension. Now that she was here, in his home, he wanted to revel in having her in his bed.

Afterward, once she was lying sated and relaxed in his arms, he’d tell her what his mom had gone through, and how much both she and Tasha had taught him.

He had her naked in one minute and himself in the next, then he dived on her, skin to skin. “You feel so damn good.” She was smooth lines and curves, sweet scents and tastes, from her lips to her neck to her breasts, and all the way down. He covered her with kisses from her throat to her navel. Then he delved deep.

She gasped when he put his tongue to her, followed by a long moan, and a whispered, “Daniel.”

He blew a warm breath over her. She quivered in reaction, and her fingers flexed, reaching for his hair, trying to pull him closer.

“Don’t tease,” she begged. “I can’t wait.”

But tease he did until she was like ice cream melting against his tongue. He couldn’t get enough of her taste, kept her riding the edge for long, delicious minutes. Until he lifted his head, just long enough to say, “Come for me, Tasha,” and he gave her what she needed, right on the mark, with his mouth and his fingers, inside and out.

She called his name, bucking against him, panting, gasping, crying out. Then she laughed, a blissfully happy sound as she fell back against the pillow, her body still quaking with aftershocks.

“Now,” she said, her voice hoarse from cryin

g out her pleasure. “I need you now.”

“After you come for me again,” he told her. “Two more times. No, five more.”

But he hadn’t counted on the strength or the passion of her intent as she climbed on top of him. “I want to make you come now, the same way.” She gazed at him as she slowly wrapped her hand around him. “I want to feel like you’re mine. Like no one else can do this to you.”

“Only you can,” he vowed. “Don’t you know what you do to me? Don’t you know how beautiful, how wonderful, you are?”

Joy flashed through her eyes, but pain still lingered there too. Pain he would do absolutely anything to banish.

“Take me, Tasha. All of me. Any way you’ll have me, I’m yours.”

She ran slow, heated kisses over his face, his shoulders, his chest, then finally took him in her mouth, the long slow slide of her lips and tongue down, then back up, tearing a groan from him. His hips lifted, and she took him even deeper, teasing him with her tongue.

It was glorious. It was wild. His body trembled in reaction, his hands curled in the bed sheets, his legs quivering with the strain of holding back as she blew every circuit in his brain. Teasing him the way he’d teased her, she made him ride the blade’s edge, then pulled him back without letting him jump into oblivion.

Until she whispered, “Now.”

And he gave himself up completely to the only woman he’d ever love.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Tasha reveled in the feel of Daniel, in the words falling from his lips, in his scent, in his taste as he gave himself up to climax. Then he hauled her across his body, resting with his face buried in the crook of her neck.

“What you do to me,” he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.

She’d felt every second of what she’d done to him. And it was more delicious and magnificent than anything else in her life. Ever.

It was more than sex. It was even more than lovemaking. It was Daniel letting go completely. For her.

It felt so good to drift in lazy, heavenly languor, her eyes closed, knee bent, foot between his spread legs, their fingers laced together. The sheet thrown aside, they were naked, skin against skin, deliciously sweaty.

It was sublime, like nothing she’d ever known. There was an ease to being with him she hadn’t thought possible. She could have lain there forever.

Until his phone rang.

She wanted to beg him not to answer it, but she wasn’t the only person in his life. What if his mother or one of his brothers was on the other end of that line? What if they needed his help?