Of course, nothing is for sure, but it’s what we’ve decided to do.

As a team.

It’ll give me two more years of experience at the winery before Dean goes pro. The agreement is he’ll play for three to five years. We’ll use the money to buy a winery once we find something we like. When he retires, we’ll build our little slice of wine heaven.

Turns out, the man has a knack for wine. Seriously. He can name a varietal with one whiff of the glass—his secret talent.

He truly is the perfect guy. At least for me.

Even his brother is a pretty perfect brother-in-law-to-be. Flip took Dean’s old room at the mancave, and I’ve never seen anyone more determined to turn his life around. He goes to meetings every day. He got a job. He’s literally becoming a health-food freak and started writing a book about his crazy journey to sobriety. I know Dean is nervous about what the public will say, but he loves his brother more than he cares about his image.

As for our friend Tony, he didn’t make it. The man apparently owed people money, which was the real reason he was after Marli. Life insurance. Tony had actually called in a tip to the police to ensure she was identified. That way he’d get the death certificate. Tony’s downfall was his ego. If he hadn’t called Dean, he might’ve gotten away with it. I’m glad he didn’t. I never knew Marli, but she gave me the most incredible daughter. For that, I will always be grateful.

Oh, and yes. We finally learned the truth about Fia. She is Dean’s. And now she’s about to get a brother or sister. Dean doesn’t know yet.

Dean emerges from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He plops down on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry, Lara. I think it’s my curse. They just don’t make condoms in my size.”

He’s actually sulking about having a big dick? Hilarious. I know women—and some men—who’d kill for a sex toy like that.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go on birth control?” he asks. “Because I don’t know what else to do.”

After the last condom incident, we agreed I’d go to the doctor and get a prescription. I kept my word, but it was two broken condoms too late. I told Dean a little white lie about the pill not being an option for me, but really, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to break the news. Definitely after his finals. And what better Christmas present. Right?

Unless he freaks the hell out? Then not a great present.

Either way, I know he’ll be happy in the long run. This man was born for two things: to fight and to love.

“Dean? Christmas is still a few weeks away, but what if I give you your present early?”

“You just gave it to me.” He leans down and kisses me between my naked breasts. “But I could always use another.”

I smile. “I’m glad you said that, because another is exactly what you’re getting.”

Dean’s eyes go wide, and his gaze locks on my face.

I nod. “That’s right. Get ready because in eight months, you’ll be catching something other than a football.”



He stands and holds up two hands, index fingers pointed toward the sky. “Touchdown, baby! Yeah.”

Not exactly the response I was looking for, but I’ll take it.


Plans be damned. I fucking love my life! I love this woman! I love this little baby! And I already love the one on the way.

I’m just a man, driving five hundred miles, enjoying every damned second.

THE END ?Look! No cliffy!