“I tried a thousand times—I swear I did—but then I’d drive away with her.”

“Then why not keep her, Marli?”

“Because, Dean! He will find me! And then what?”

I’m beginning to see her predicament, and I can’t say I’d do anything differently.

I exhale with a frustrated groan. “What am I going to do?”

“Make sure she finds a good home and then get as far away from her as possible—for her own good.”

My heart falls into an instant rage. “You said she might be mine.”

“What’s it matter if you’re dead, Dean? Because you can’t prove a thing—not without risking tipping off Tony.”

“You can’t do this to me. If Fia is my daughter, I don’t want to lose her.” I can’t even say I wouldn’t want her even if she had the blood of a coldhearted killer with an obsession for baking paraphernalia.

“If you love her even a fraction as much as I do, then she’s all that matters. You have to do what you can to protect her. And right now, this is as good as it gets; Tony doesn’t know she exists, and he’ll never find out if you let her go. Just be sure to tell the police whatever they need to hear so no one doubts your story and tests her DNA. Get them to believe I am just a nobody who abandoned her baby.”

“This is crazy. I need to think.” I need a tranquilizer, too.

“I understand, Dean. But please don’t take too long. I was careful not to be seen at my sister’s funeral, but I’m worried.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Because I didn’t spot Tony or any of his henchmen lurking.”

“Maybe he gave up on you.” Marli could be paranoid.

“It means they did a better job of hiding than me,” she says.

“Did they follow you here?”

“I took precautions, but in this day and age, it doesn’t take long to track down a person. Every bridge, toll road, and intersection has cameras. It’s only a matter of time before they find footage of me driving away from the funeral. Once they have that, they’ll know the car I’m in and find me. I don’t have much time. A day at best.”


She adds, “I’ll call you tomorrow morning at exactly six forty-three. If I do, then meet me at Liberty Park at noon. I’ll be wearing a red baseball cap. If I don’t call you at that time, don’t go. And if I’m wearing any other color hat, drive away.”

I wonder if her hat collection includes one that’s made of aluminum foil. She sounds completely paranoid. Not that Tony isn’t dangerous, but she’s making it seem like he’s got the CIA after her or something. “Marli, come on…”

“I’m serious, Dean.”

“Let’s go to the police. We can figure something out—”

“If I could trust those people, I would. But Tony has too many connections. I don’t want you or Fia getting mixed up in any of this. Got it?”

“But she’s your kid. You can’t just walk awa—”

“I can, Dean. Because I love her that much. And so should you.”

I rub my forehead. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t have to know. You just have to do what’s right.”


I walk to my truck, my head spinning like a tornado of emotions. I almost wish I didn’t know the truth about Marli and her husband because now I’ll never be free of it. Or be able to look at a kitchen utensil the same way.

I unlock my door and slide behind the wheel. I know if I give the situation enough thought, I’ll figure out a way to fix it, because what Marli is suggesting is a lose-lose for everyone. She never gets to see Fia again and lives on the run. Her husband roams free, always a threat to us all. I lose my football career because without a very public, well-documented rebuttal to the claims being made about Fia, I’ll always be seen as a baby snatcher.

I wish I could have Mr. Rolling Pin give that Dannie woman a baking lesson. This is just as much her fault as Tony’s. I still don’t know why she started all this on social media.

The passenger door of my truck flies open, and Lara hops in, making me jump in my seat.

“Jesus, woman. What are you doing here?”

“I followed you. You suck at shaking people, by the way. And don’t you Jesus woman me, Dean!” She points an angry finger in my face. “I can’t believe you. I can’t believe after everything you said an hour ago, you’re coming here and hooking up for paid sex!”

“But I—”

“No, Dean. No more lies.” She throws her arms in the air. “And to think I was going to tell you I’m in love with you, that I would find a way to work through my feelings about my daughter just to be a part of your life. And here you are, poking the paid pussy!”