Outside the window it was dark. I stifled a yawn. Thorald patted me on the back. “Your mind and body are tied together now, Anders Tomason, and the two of them are tired. You would do well to sleep now, and rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow there will be no rest; no rest for the good, and no rest for the wicked. Rest now, while you still can. Drink some of this sleeping draught, that my wife has prepared using herbs of the forest, and you will sleep, no matter how full your mind is.”

I nodded. I brought my hand down to my sword, and Carolina was before me. She smiled at me. You have done well, Anders. Drink the sleeping draught. Tomorrow we both have a lot of work to do.

I brought the cup to my lips. Then I followed Kara to the guest room they had set up for me, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I did not dream.


I awoke to a gentle prodding of my mind. Wake, little one. We fly into battle after you have filled your stomach.

My eyes stayed closed. Yesenia, where are you?

Yesenia sent a mental image to me, of a series of caves where she and her brethren had slep

t. We are hungry, little one, and we will have to hunt along the way. Your human friends are all awake, and await you.

I opened my eyes.

Kara was smiling at me. “The sleeping draught was more powerful than I thought.”

I sat up. “It felt like I hadn’t slept in days.”

“So deep was your slumber that your dragon was the only way to wake you. But come now, and eat, and the hot food and drink will melt away the remains of the draught.”

I yawned and nodded. “I can barely believe I’m hungry again, but the smells from your mother’s kitchen would tempt the stomach of anyone.”

I found Elias and Woltan waiting for me in the kitchen. Soon, Ulrike and Cullen joined us. The smith smiled at me. “The sword has been reforged, Anders. Now we have four swords with pixies. They will serve us well in the battle that awaits us.”

I grabbed a fritter, and ate quickly. “Are your people ready to march?”

Thorald nodded. “I’ll lead them myself in half an hour’s time.”

“And we’ll ride, Woltan? That’s the plan?”

Woltan shook his head. “I’m still not sure what the plan is. I’m torn between flying straight to my sister, or trying to go around from behind, so the dark lord or his minions can’t see us.”

“I thought the dark lord wouldn’t be there.”

“He’s not there now… But remember he’s powerful, and surely has magical means of transportation that we know nothing about. We know he won’t be there for the battle, but maybe he will use his eye to watch over the preparations.”

Kara nodded. “We must be wary. Remember what happened when we tried to form a gateway from the forgotten city.”

Woltan looked away. “I am worried. I think my sister needs me now.”

I felt my face grow hot. I had left my parents in Woltan’s sister’s care. And Woltan was the one worried, while I stuffed my face.

I looked up from my food. “Why don’t you call Jona through your sword?”

Woltan cursed. “Why didn’t I think of that?” He brought his hand down to the sword and was quiet for a moment.

Then he looked at everyone. His face was filled with horror. “They are being attacked, as we speak. From outside the gates, but also from the air. There are demons and mages flying in the air. We must fly now, before it’s too late.”

I bolted down the rest of a corn fritter, and then I was running out the door with everyone else.

Thorald called out behind us. “Remember, we will follow you on foot, and the tree people will be there too. Fly swift, and let your arrows and blades be true!”

I ran with Kara and Woltan beside me. I ducked to avoid hitting branches in our path. Kara ran ahead. Follow me. The dragons are harnessed. Our armourers and leather-makers spent all night finishing harnesses for all the dragons… they are made out of hardened leather, and will stretch instead of breaking.