We stopped and I saw a small brick house, nestled among the trees. This is where I live.

The door opened and a woman walked out. She was dressed simply; her blonde hair was pulled back in a bun, but I could feel the royal blood in her, in the way she walked with assurance and looked at me.

So you are Anders Tomason. I, Helga, am honored by your presence. You have already saved the life of my niece, and if the prophecy speaks true, you may save the life of all our people. But for now, you probably wish more than anything for clean clothes and to wash, and to eat.

I nodded.

She beckoned us in.

Inside the house seemed bigger than the outside. There were small rooms for sleeping, with beds, and a small washing room, with tile on the ground, and water in basins for washing, under a stove. A neatly stacked pile of clothes were there, as well.

We have heated the water, and there is a cloth there, with which you can scrub and wash yourself. The clean clothes are for you as well. Wash yourself now. Then you will eat, and we will talk.

I nodded, and moved into the washing room. I shut the door behind me. For the second time I realized how dirty I was.

I stripped down and scrubbed myself, poured hot water over my head and back, and felt the disgust of battle wash away. I felt at home here, and could not restrain a groan of pleasure. It felt so good to wash… How long had it been? I grabbed a towel and dried myself, then dressed quickly.

The smell of hot food hit me as I opened the door. Spice, and hot baked bread, and frying griddle cakes… Had my own mother ever cooked for me anything so enticing? I thought suddenly of my parents, lying in wait in the forgotten city. What was I doing to free them? I felt useless, then. I should be by their side, or battling the dark lord. Well, I was battling the dark lord, wasn’t I? And had I asked to get into this? Had my parents asked to be put into an enchanted sleep?

All I knew, is if we lost, my parents would be enslaved forever. Or maybe they would die.

I pushed the thought of my parents out of my head. I felt alive again in my clean clothes, and my stomach grumbled. Kara and her aunt were beaming at me, and I felt embarrassed suddenly.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Kara grinned. You just look a lot better than before the shower.

I blushed, and stopped.

Don’t be silly, Anders. Come, eat with us.

Then we were sitting, all three, at a roughly-hewn wood table. It was clean and polished and made me feel grounded as I sat. Kara served me cakes and there was juice as well.

Kara smiled at me. My uncle will be coming as soon as he can. He sends his greetings.

Then we were all eating. The food was warm and subtly spicy, and sweet. They were the best griddle cakes I had ever eaten. Warmth moved out from my stomach to the rest of my body. How long had it been since I’d had a hot meal? Just a day or so? Why did it seem so long?

It was good to eat; it reminds you how alive you are. The battle and the long flight on dragonback had cooled and numbed me; at last sensation and warmth returned to my limbs.

I took a deep draught of my juice, and looked up from my plate. Kara and her mother were beaming at me again. It is good to see you eat.

It’s wonderful.

You must be very hungry.

I nodded. And cold and numb, until now.

Dragons! I always wanted to believe the tales were true, but I never thought I would see one! And you rode on one’s back! And my Kara did too! Truly this is an age of wonders.

Just a few months ago I was locked in my room, with my schoolwork. Now… everything is different, and never will anything be for me like it was…

Never again like it was. I was afraid that was true. I thought of my parents. Would I ever see them again? Did I deserve to?

We ate for awhile in silence then, keeping thoughts to ourselves.

I felt warmer and warmer as I ate. It felt like my cheeks must be glowing. There was heat in the room from the oven, from which more bewitching aromas emanated.

There was a knock at the door. I looked up to see Thorald, king of the Kriek, at the door.