Anders and the others pushed them into another plane; they created a rift between the planes, and then sealed it. I don’t think we’ll be so lucky next time.

I fear that the dark lord may have discovered some other ancient tome; he still seeks the Book of Id, but he already has dark magic that we thought lost, if he is able to conjure demons of such power.

We were walking along a path that must have been widened for the dragons. Every once in a while we came to a burned down stump. Up ahead I could feel strong magic — at first I thought it was the dragons, but then realized it was human. We were walking up to a great circle; I could feel and see the circle in my mind, and inside the circle were lines that connected everyone in it. So many were in the circle, so many were the connections between them that it seem almost like a solid circle of green light, shining in my inner eye even though we were not yet upon it. At intervals in the circle there were dragons; they too were connected, and at equal distances around the circle.

Somehow, instantly, I knew.

It was the great gathering, the Kriek council. One thousand strong, all their minds melded.

Awaiting our arrival.

Kara must have sensed my unease. “They are assembled to make plans of war, to come to the aid of Woltan’s people. They are assembled to honor the dragons that honor them with their presence. And they are assembled to greet you, Anders, the three-blooded prince of the prophecy. As a guest, but also as kin. You have nothing to fear here, bloodsinger. Remember that. No matter what else happens, we are your kin.”

I know. That’s why I don’t want to embarrass myself.


The air crackled with energy as I approached the clearing. Tentacles of thought reached out from the circle to attach to me and my companions, making us part of the circle before we arrived in it.

I could feel Elias come alive behind me. I smiled. It’s amazing isn’t it.

Never in my life could I imagine so much energy. One thousand Kriek and the dragons as well!

The air crackles with energy.

Not just the air, Anders, open your third eye and your inner ear!

They are open.

No, Anders, open them fully! You are seeing things with your eyes closed.

I’ll go blind!

No, Anders; open them!

So I opened my third eye, and my inner ears. Sound and color and light rushed through me.

It was a mistake.

Elias was wrong.

There was no way to handle it all. I was going deaf and blind. I opened my mouth to scream.

Instead, my eyes adjusted.

I could see and hear everyone and everything around me. Everything was bright, but after that initial moment, nothing hurt. Auras blazed around me, separately and as a whole. They welcomed me, their lines of thought reaching out to me and my companions. So much energy, yes, but there was also love, and care, and concern, fear for the future, and hope. A tremendous quantity of hope.

The circle drew us in. It was like a great dome made up of curved arcs that connected everyone in the circle. And inside the circle were more circles, concentrically, and at the very center was an older man.

I knew who he was, then, and felt his thoughts. The man reached out to me, and bid me welcome.

Welcome Anders Tomason. I am king Thorald, Kara’s uncle, the chief of the Kriek. Hail and well met.

There was warmth there, and wisdom, but also pain.

Like you, I bear scars from the dark lord. We have much in common, you and I, and not just the blood we share.

My legs kept on walking; I was being guided into the circle, the circle that was actually a sphere, reaching up and above us, and down and underneath us, connecting us together and shielding us from the outside.