plane. The song was healing the rift, pushing them all the way through, and keeping anything else out. Then they were gone — somehow I knew, or my blood knew, that there was no direct way back. The demons would have to be conjured again, with pentagrams, and incantations, and all manner of preparation, at a special time of day, particular for every place.

The moment was over then, and the tree folk were pouring out of the injured tree. I could hear her voice — she was in pain, but most of all she was in a rage. I felt her magic move out and fill all her people with power and anger. Her tree folk and my people now surrounded the tree, fighting the enemy on all sides. The dragons were burning the kobolds, and tearing into the trolls with their teeth. They picked up trolls and dropped them on the kobolds or on the few men who had not chosen to run already.

Anders! Gerard is still here; we need your help!

It was Elias.

I looked around. One of the twins was still on the ground, the other was helping Ulrike get the king up in the tree; there dozens of hands grabbed him and pulled him up. Then I was helping Ulrike with the twin.

All around us the battle raged, but the tree folk were pushing back the enemy into the dragon fire, and the tree was raining down dead branches at them, knocking over trolls and kobolds.

I looked at Ulrike. They need us, Gerard is over there. Will he live?

If anyone can help him, the tree Mother will.

I felt the call again.

Anders heed our call! Esmerelda! Renata! Your riders are in peril! We need your strength! Tree mother!

I was moving then. But was it already too late? As I moved images flashed through my mind… Gerard conjuring the demons, in a pentacle, Gerard bringing them to the tree mother, riding on the winds between the planes…. Woltan sending up spell after spell to have them blocked by the demons, then bitten by one of the demons on a surprise attack. Woltan lying on the ground inside a sphere of protection, with Elias beside him, frantically trying to keep him alive, and Gerard breaking the wall of his sphere, methodically, with a smile on his face.

Then Ulrike and I were there and there was a great blast of sound — it was dragon sound and dragon magic, and it shook everyone, knocked Gerard to the ground. Then I was upon him, and I swung my sword and smote Gerard’s arm, and his arm came off, and Gerard fell to the ground. I was sickened, and Gerard’s face turned white with pain and rage.

He opened his mouth to speak a spell but I was quicker: Still.

Gerard’s mouth was sealed.

He was bleeding profusely but I knew he remained dangerous, arm or no arm. A wizard like Gerard would not let a word of silencing stop him for long. This man was responsible for killing all these dead on the field, all these dead trees as well. I should have killed him, but I hesitated, and later I would relive this moment in my dreams, every one almost the same yet subtly different.

Gerard smiled.

You are weak and stupid. Your Uncle would have trained you better. He calls me now. Farewell.

And he was gone.

Woltan is badly hurt, Anders! We must get him to the tree mother.

I nodded absently.

With Gerard gone the kobolds and trolls scattered, running from the dragons and from Arboris and the tree folk. I turned back and ran to where Woltan lay, Elias standing beside him. I am keeping him alive with my spell but there is poison within him. That was a powerful demon. We never would have been able to send it back to its abyss without the dragons. Such power!

Can’t the dragons help you heal him?

His dragon is suffering itself from the link between them. The other dragons cannot help without feeling their pain. We must get him to the tree mother as soon as possible. Only she can help him.

I reached out and felt her mind. A series of images of what had happened to us flashed through me to her. And from her to me flashed images of the attack, of the demons who had come with the sorcerer, Gerard, and of the soldiers that had come after the demons had immobilized her. Bring him to me at once. I will do what I can.

Elias and I picked Woltan up gently. His skin was burning hot, and I could feel his pain just touching his skin. I was afraid to touch his mind. Woltan’s aura glowed red with pain, and he groaned feebly as we hurried to the tree. There tree folk lay waiting, to help us up into the upper branches of the tree.

We brought him to the same landing where I had entered the tree mother. Bring him to me, quickly! I can do nothing until I touch him! Hurry!

We hurried him to her, and her bark opened up and pulled him in.

The tree groaned, and then shook. Far worse than Gustaf, which was bad enough! What a noble creature, that watches my every move with its mind as it circles in the air high above us, sharing in Woltan’s pain. Just as I do, now! Cursed be all demons and their demon spit! I will suck out the poison and spit it out at our enemies!

The tree groaned and shook, as the leaves around us turned brown on the edges.

Elias touched my shoulder in alarm. It’s poisoning her, too.