I remembered then to chew, remembered the hot food in front of me. It might well be my only hot food for the next two days. The storm awaited us outside the trees — cold and gloomy and evil. Suddenly the freshness of this forest food and the sharp sticky taste of the pine nuts was exactly what I needed. I tucked in, filled my plate again. We ate, all of us, in silence. The food was magic, and would protect us. But it was more than that — it bound us all together and to the mother tree.

I stopped eating for a moment and breathed in deeply, and felt the fresh pine scent enter my lungs, permeate ever pore of my body. I felt at home with the tree at last, and deep down inside me I knew what I had to do. I sighed. For a moment, people stopped eating and looked at me. Then they were all eating again, quickly, but methodically, honoring every mouthful with their chewing, breaking it down before it was swallowed.

I turned my inner eye inward as I chewed. The dark green of the food exploded into a rainbow of color as it entered my body through my stomach, but also through my mouth, my tongue, my throat. And I could feel the pine scent sticking to me even more now as I ate, the tree recognizing me as one of her own and giving me her protection. Soon, I figured I would be able to understand her thoughts, which rumbled in the background of my consciousness.

I continued eating in silence, and gradually my body relaxed. People kept eating around me, but mostly I heard the food inside me and the mother tree. She was almost ready to greet me. I couldn’t help smiling in anticipation.

Erik clapped his hands once more and the tables were cleared, and there were little spice cakes, the size of a child’s hands. They were sweet, and like everything they tasted of fresh pine.

Erik was looking at me. No one else has ever been allowed to stay or eat with us. Our mother tree granted you all this gift, to help you defeat our common enemy. If you stayed longer, and ate longer of our food, it would be terribly hard for you to leave us. The tree holds on to her children. We are her adopted folk, even if our blood runs red still, and not green.

But I thought you said some of your people would accompany us?

Erik nodded. It is grim for them, and so I have asked for volunteers. We will hear now, who would go, and they will give their reasons, and we will vote.

With my inner eye I could see Erik’s tendrils of thought projecting out to everyone in the room. Suddenly all the faces around me looked very serious.

Who will go with these our adopted kin, who will fight against the dark lord?

I saw a rainbow of thought and excitement race through the auras.

Ulrike stood then, and I could not help staring at her. Now that I was clear and transparent too, I felt a strange kinship to her. But that wasn’t why I was staring. She was beautiful. I wanted to hold her and protect her. I wanted her to stay, but I also wanted her to come with us so I could get to know her. It was very confusing.

Tell us, then, daughter, why you would accompany them?

I have skills they need. But of course that’s not everything. There was a pause, and then her aura flashed red in anger. Almost everyone knows here that it was the dark lord who took my mother from us. I want my vengeance.

Should I not take the same vengeance?

Your place is here, father — the mother tree needs you, and our people need you too.

Erik slowly sighed, his face resigned. I will let you go, and stay for our tree and for our people. But if the dark lord takes from me now my only daughter after robbing me of my wife, no one, not even the mother tree, will keep me from seeking my vengeance. For the good of all, be careful.

Ulrike nodded.

Then I seek the approval of the rest of you — those I would leave, and those I would follow.

Erik stood up. Stand then, with me, those who would let her leave.

The tree folk stood up all in unison. There were silent tears, but no one was left seated.

They all stood down again.

Stand, now, those who would let her accompany them.

Woltan met my gaze, and Elias too. In a split second, it was Elias who decided for us, sending us a private thought. Stand. She is strong and true, and her mind and heart are set. We cannot hold her back.

We stood as one.

r /> Not only do I lose my daughter, I lose one of our strongest fighters and wizards. Ulrike Erikson, you will be missed.

Stand now, anyone else who would accompany them.

Two young men, little older than me, stood up together. They were identical in appearance, and I realized they must be twins. We are Lars and Gustaf Larson. Since our birth 17 years ago we have dreamed identical dreams, and for the few weeks we have dreamed of your journey. In our sleep we have seen you Anders as you sparred with your blademaster, escaped your confinement, fought the Keiler and entered the ancient forgotten city. We are strong in stealth, skillful scouts, and battle-ready; our minds are full of magic as well. We feel that we were born to bring a change to this forest, to bring it back in balance by removing the pollution of the dark lord.

Erik frowned. Their dreams are news to me, news I wish they had shared earlier.

Lars and Gustaf look embarrassed for a moment, and a ripple of color went through their green auras. We ask your pardon, Uncle, but we did not know what to think of our dreams until we saw they were true, when Anders Tomason arrived here among us.