Elias tapped me on the sh

oulder. “There is as much energy here as in the city.”

I nodded. There was strong magic here, and it was good, green magic. I could feel it, could see it, could smell it in the fresh clean scent of the evergreen.

Suddenly lightning struck a nearby tree with a great flash and blast.

There was a scream of rage from inside the tree, an explosion of orange inside it, and its branches shook briefly, knocking me off balance.

The singing had stopped.

The dark lord is angry with you. We must close the gate. Once we are all inside he cannot see us. Until then he can see all of you, and although he cannot strike our tree, he will do more damage to her children. Hurry, please.

We hurried through the gate. I looked back to see the gate close behind us, and a web of green light take its place. Then the singing began again and when I looked out, I saw that the whole of the tree was covered in a web of green light, a web that touched every individual in the tree, and connected to the tree trunk. Everywhere, energy circulated. I could feel that energy protecting and also, somehow, hiding us.

I heard Elias’s thoughts then.

Yes, Anders, somehow we are safe here; we can do magic, or think aloud; and he cannot hear us or reach us or touch us. It is quite amazing, actually. Ancient magic.

Woltan stood beside me, and pointed. It is all very amazing, but we would do better for the moment perhaps to concentrate on our hosts.

I saw up just ahead a group approaching. They were all a little transparent, and green, and if you looked at them with your third eye they were bright burning green fires, so bright that you almost had to look away. They were strongly magical, whatever they were.

Are they elves?

There was suddenly much laughter again.

Three of the group came forward and presented themselves.

The tallest one, who had a long green beard and very little hair on his head spoke first in our minds. My name is Erik Fredrikson. As the eldest here, I will welcome you to the tree mother. Your coming is not unexpected, and we welcome the opportunity to help you in your quest against the man who calls himself the dark lord, and who has poisoned so much of our forest.

At this there was a collective sigh, and a groan from the tree, that shook the branches again.

Erik smiled a bitter smile. Even mentioning him causes great pain to our tree mother. She has seen so many of her kin poisoned or destroyed.

The tree shook again.

Erik frowned. So let us talk of something else for the moment. You are all tired and weary, hungry and very wet. Come into our guest rooms, and when you are warm and dry and fed, we will speak of how we can help you on your way, and perhaps strengthen your group.

And then a green girl was in front of me, smiling, and waving me on, and I looked over at Kara as she was led away too, and the others, all to different parts of the tree. Then I was in a room — there was no other word for it, though it was made of branches and leaves, a room that was alive and green. On the floor there was a bed, and there was a place to sit, and a place to wash, and the girl showed me with a lot of pantomine how to wash myself. But I reached out to her with my mind.

Thank you. What’s your name?

Her green face turned a little red then. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you could speak with us. Most city folk can’t.

I am not most city folk.

She nodded. We’ve heard of you. My name is Ulrike Erikson.

Does that mean that Erik…?

He is my father. But you need to bathe now. The water is warm; it is small but useful magic. Wash now and put your clothes in here, and they will be cleaned and dried as you wash.

Useful magic.

Ulrike nodded. I must go. We will see each other soon.

I reached out his hand to keep her there, and touched her hand.