When I looked back at my father, his eyes were shut, and the tingling was gone.

Woltan was standing at the door.

“Did something happen, while I was gone?”

I avoided making eye contact. “What do you mean?”

“You saw something, didn’t you?”

He was just searching for another reason to probe my parents. All he cared about was his city. They could all go dance with the demons, for all I cared. If I could only talk to my father once more, even with glowing eyes, I was sure everything would finally make sense.

I need to know, Anders. Your parents’ safety and your own is at stake.

“You’re lying to me about something, aren’t you? I don’t know why I should tell you anything.”

“Anders, I’ve not lied to you since you came here. The burden you bear as the sword-bearer, as the three-blooded prince is enough for any man. I would not burden you further with lies and half-truths. Look me in the eyes, and you’ll see, I hide nothing from you.”

Don’t look at him, he lies!

“Look at me Anders, and see the truth that the demon tries to twist and reshape, to pollute and sully.”

But I looked away, toward my parents.

I saw my father’s eyes flutter, open, look at me, and the voice came to me, loud and clear and soothing.

It was the voice of my father, but speaking differently, convincingly, more smoothly than I remembered. Good, Anders, don’t look at him. He is a trickster, a shyster, a charlatan. He has hoodwinked you and your companions but I am here to shed light in the darkness and clear you of your confusions. My master is your friend. They call him the dark lord, because they fear him, but he is bright, and good, and they do right to fear him for they are nothing but trickery and confusion, glamour and lies.

I nodded. It all made sense. I must have fallen in with the wrong crowd. Had Gerard ever given me any trouble before Kara had broken into his shop and escaped to my room? Now because of her and Woltan my parents were under a spell. I felt a burning suddenly on my leg and brought my hand down.

My hand brushed idly my sword and I felt a jolt, but I pulled my hand away.

Yes, Anders, kill him. Kill them all. Then I will be free, and your mother too. That’s all you need to do. Kill all those lying tricksters. Purify this city of those scum and then open the gates to your kin, and to their servants, those who call you Herr.

Enough of this. I was tired of being tricked and manipulated. I hadn’t asked for this, any of this. Just one trick after another. They must have thought I was a total idiot.

I pulled the sword out and then I heard song. The song screamed at me and drowned the other words out and buzzed into me, vibrating all the way to my soul. Suddenly I was sure of nothing. Then I saw her in front of me. Carolina was not smiling.

Anders, don’t be a fool.

I’m tired of people taking me for one.

No one is taking you for a fool. We’ve saved your lives, if you’ll think about it. Listen, now — you are in great danger. There are major imps implanted in both your mother and father, stronger than I, although they have no sword. I will try to keep you free of their glamour as long as you hold on to me. My only hope is that, as they are young, I may know a few tricks that are unknown to them.

I hesitated. Maybe she was right. My father of the glowing eyes suddenly seemed less like the father I remembered. And I had seen blood, and seen them held prisoner.

Act as though you are still under his spell, Anders, get close to him, and then I will help Woltan with the removal, and the battle that will surely follow. She paused, looking worried, still. You might want to call for help, though.

I raised the sword and concentrated on Woltan, but he made no show of understanding.

“Why do you have your sword out, Anders?”

KILL THEM, Anders. Kill Woltan, liar and thief, free this city of the vermin within, KILL THEM ALL and then your mother and I will be FREE.

Yes, Father.

I rose up the sword and swung towards Woltan, who looked surprised and fearful.

YES! Kill him!