That broke the ice.

Everyone started talking at once and touching me. That made me a little nervous, but the hands were friendly.

Then it was Kara pressed up against me, hugging me.

For a moment I forget all about the three bloods, all about destiny and sorcery. A warm flush came to my face and I smiled awkwardly at her, wanting nothing more than to run my fingers across her face, along the perfect skin of her neck.

But I couldn’t. I felt it, and she must have felt it too.

She let me go quickly then, but not before kissing me on the cheek.

I felt the blush spread throughout my limbs, a warmness sweeping over me.

Kara was pulling on my hand, and leading me out of the armory.

Once again I let myself be led.

Chapter XI

I reached down to feel my thigh. The new steel blade felt cold at my side. Part of me missed the wooden sword, and my youth with it. I had worn it for just one day but already it had felt like an extension of my arm, of my hand, of my mind and my spirit. And I knew it had been — I had seen my aura extend through my hand into the sword’s pommel and into the sword.

I wondered what the new sword would feel like, in my hand. But at the same time I was scared. So many years pining away in my room, worrying about my skin and wishing for adventure, and now adventure was upon me, and what did I feel?

Excitement? Happiness?

No, just hunger. And little bit of fear.

Was I ready?

Was I really their prince? Or just a boy with a special sword?

My stomach grumbled. In any case, I was hungry.

Which was a good thing, because the food was piled high on the stone table in front of me. I stared at it. I had seen banquets, when my parents had entertained. I’d seen tables piled high with food and drink, the air full of the smell of roast pork and venison sausage. I’d heard musicians play their fiddles and guitars and sing ballads of praise for King Lowen, far off in the North in his castle made of clear wizard’s glass. I remembered being filled with wanderlust, the urge to travel, to see those far off lands.

Now, I was in a far off land, in a city I had never even heard of, so well had it been forgotten. And a feast was in front of me, in my honor.

I realized suddenly that everyone, except for Kalle, at my side, was staring at me. It felt strange to be looked at by so many people. I looked down at my plate, which was empty.


Anders, son of Tomas, and then we will talk. You must fill your stomach, before we fill your ears.”

There was laughter, and I looked up. I recognized Woltan across the table. He was smiling, and pointing to the food. “Serve yourself, Anders,” he said, his voice now low. “Some of the food may look strange to you, may be strange to you, but nothing here will make you sick. Try a little of everything to start, maybe. And drink some juice. We squeeze our fruit before each meal, and blend them to make a refreshing drink.”

I nodded. Woltan stood up, and filled my glass. I brought it to my lips and took a sip. It was sweet and tasted very fresh. I took another gulp. I felt energy come into my body. I stood up, feeling myself on stage, and served myself from the serving plates around us — a vegetable stew, some type of fowl, perhaps a small kind of chicken, and some fruit, cut into slices.

I sat down and began to eat, and I heard the quiet hall reanimate — people began to talk around me. Perhaps they had been waiting to see if I would talk, or I would eat, and if I would say anything.

I paid them no mind.

I ate.

There must have been something in the soil. Or in the light, or the water. Everything made my taste buds tingle. Warmth radiated out from my mouth and my stomach and my throat to the rest of my body.

I bit into the tender bird meat, and the juices ran down the sides of my face. The meat was spiced with some kind of hot pepper that burned my tongue, but in a nice way. I drank some more juice and everything seemed to come together. My body felt whole, and before I knew it, I was eating for pleasure. My hunger was gone, and the weakness with it.

My body had been empty but pure. Now it was filled with this luminous food and drink. Looking around with my third eye I could see how everything around me glowed, and how my aura was turning a bright golden hue, like the food. If this was some kind of magic, it was good magic, and if it wasn’t magic, it was all the more amazing.