“Kalle, we can’t wait any longer,” I said. “Let’s follow this path, and quickly, to wherever it will take us.”

Kalle nodded, and we ran.

If I figured it would be easier, running on the rock, I was wrong. Perhaps it would have been, centuries ago, but now, though the rock was unbroken, there were obstacles all along its path — strange plants that grew over and onto it.

But I felt energy underneath them, good energy, and looking at the plants, strange as they were, I think they meant us no harm.

Suddenly we stopped. Kara had fallen, and looked disgusted with herself. Kalle pointed to the road, and smiled.

Look at the path with your third eye, and ignore all else. Tremendous energy still flows here.

Kara looked doubtful. You think we can surf on it? After all these centuries?

Kalle nodded. He turned to me.

“We’ll use the path as the ancients intended. They ran chariots without horses above and through the energy field, but sometimes they even rode it directly. It’s supposed to be simple. You just need to see the field, and then you enter it. We should be like boats on a strong current.”

There was another squeal, nearby, just behind us.

I cringed. I’d do anything to get away from that noise and what came with it.

Kara scowled. “Let’s find it quick then, or more blood will be shed. And I’m afraid this time it will be ours.”

With my third eye I saw a platform, to the side of the road, patchy in spots, but mostly a solid emerald green. And on top of this platform, was a golden stream of energy. Flowing ahead of us at great speed.

“I think we climb up this platform,” I said, eager to get out of there.

I took a step onto it, felt something, but my foot went down and hit the road. There was another squeal, closer. My hair stood up on my arms.

“Close your other eyes,” Kalle said. “You must be blind to enter the stream. I never understood what they meant, before, but now it makes sense. See only with your inner, third eye.”

The squeals were right behind us.

I didn’t want to close my eyes. But what could I do besides trust Kalle?

So I closed them, looking only through the third.

I could see the platform, a stream of energy. But I also sensed just behind us, red patches of dark magical energy, the eyes of the keiler.

I hurried onto the platform.

The green outline of my foot met the platform and it held. With my third eye, I watched the greenish blue energy that was Kara step onto the platform as well. Then Kalle, his life energy a reddish orange, stepped on.

Their energy was comforting. But I couldn’t ignore the nearness of the keiler. Their squeals resonated in my spine, on my skin. My hair stuck up on my arms and neck.

Kalle’s life force pulsed with his thoughts. There’s no more time. Enter the stream.

He was right, of course.

I took a deep breath, and stepped into the energy.

It felt like when it had snowed, once, three winters ago, and the roads had become icy.

Like stepping onto a slippery section of the road, and starting to slip downhill.

I moved faster and faster, my whole body vibrating as I accelerated, and then I was flying. Through my third eye I watched the outline of the greenery rush past.

I looked back and saw Kalle and Kara off behind me in the distance. Well, I couldn’t really see them, but I could sense their energy, their life force. I felt light as a feather, and full of energy.