HOLLY PEEKED OUT THE WINDOW AT ROCKY RIVER, and when she saw no sign of Ian, she started pacing, limping her way across the room and back. He called them about an hour ago, telling them everyone was fine and it was okay to come home. They’d rushed back from the hotel in Cheyenne, but when they got here, Jax said Ian had gone to shift and would be back soon.

That was ten minutes ago, and while it wasn’t a long amount of time normally, with everything that happened, and the worry that had been making her sick, it felt like years. She needed to see him, hold him, know to her bones that he was okay.

Spinning around when she heard Shelby squeal, she grimaced at the pain that shot through her leg. Ignoring it, she looked out the window, smiling as relief washed over her when she spotted Ian. He crouched down, holding his arms open as Shelby launched herself into them. Even through the window and the distance between them, Holly could see the love on his face as he held his daughter close.

As much as she wanted to run outside and feel his arms around her, she knew they needed this moment, so she held back, content to watch them. These two were her family now, family she never thought she’d have, and whatever they needed—that’s what she needed, too.

They hugged, and she could see Ian’s lips moving as he spoke, but she couldn’t tell what he said. Finally, Shelby nodded and they broke the hug. Holding hands, they made their way to the porch, Ian spotting her and throwing her a wink.

Walking inside, Ian smiled at her as he told Shelby to go play. She took off toward the back of the house, skipping happily, and Ian came over to Holly, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging tight.

It felt like her mind, body, and soul relaxed as she touched him. Everything was right in her world, so perfectly right. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she hugged him back, and he swayed them back and forth, neither moving or saying a word.

Finally pulling back, he kissed her lips, lingering for a long moment. “God, holding you is everything.”

“I know exactly what you mean,” she replied softly. “And you’re not hurt, anywhere at all?”

“No, everything was worked out without turning physical.” Glancing around as laughter came from the kitchen, he said, “Let’s go somewhere else to talk.”

Nodding, she followed as he led her upstairs to his room, her hand tightly clasped in his. When they got there, he shut the door behind them and pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply. Moaning as her body instantly caught fire, she kissed him back everything she was feeling. Every bit of the relief, love, and happiness flooding her veins.

Laughing breathlessly, she pushed back. “As much as I want to keep on kissing you, I know it won’t be long before it turns to more, and I want to know what happened.”

Smiling wryly, he nodded, leading her to the bed. As they sat, he said, “I think even if it had turned into a fight, we’d have been okay. All the other shifters in the area turned up—the grizzlies from Bear Claw, the wolves of Red Moon, and some of their mates. Even some of the eagles from Jax’s old colony showed up. I still can’t believe it. This wasn’t their fight, but they came, putting their lives on the line, anyway.”

“You’re a great man, Ian, and you inspire loyalty. Your fighters are devoted to you, and it’s easy to see why. It doesn’t surprise me that other shifters in the area wanted to help.”

“It surprised me,” he replied with a smile. “But with all them there, we stood a chance. And with two dragons on our side, the odds of walking away without casualties on our side was strong.”

Eyes wide, she stared at him, unsure of what she just heard. “Wait, what? Dragons? Are you telling me there are dragon shifters out there walking around?”

“They’re rare, but they exist,” he said, eyes crinkling in amusement. “One of the Bear Claw mates is a dragon, and Alex as well.”

“Alex? As in, our Alex? The Alex downstairs in the kitchen right now?” she asked faintly.

“The very same. Cammie’s a dragon, too.”

Swallowing hard, she shook her head in disbelief. “It was hard enough to take in the fact that some of you have normal animals inside you. Dragons—holy moly. Okay. More on that later. Tell me what happened.”

Taking a deep breath, Ian opened his mouth and began talking. Surprise and anger filled her as he told her what happened, what had been going on all this time. For the first time in her life, she felt violent, the need to snatch Farrah bald while she beat the crap out of her nearly overwhelming her. The change in Holly since meeting Ian was truly astounding. It wasn’t very long ago when she wanted nothing to do with any form of violence, and now she was longing to beat Farrah down with every fiber of her being.

More furious that she’d ever been before, she asked, “So it was Farrah this whole time? Trying to kill you, vandalizing my car, all of it. Because she was pissed that you have Shelby, trying to get revenge, what? What possible reason could she have, other than being a crazy psycho bitch?”

Ian chuckled in surprise at her words and then squeezed her hand. “She wasn’t trying to kill me. She was trying to kill Kian. Thankfully, she wasn’t very good at it.”

“But why?” she asked, frowning in puzzlement. “She’s in his tribe, right? And he’s like the prince or something, from what you’ve said.”

“That’s exactly why,” he replied. She frowned at him, and he took a deep breath. “It turns out that Kian and I are half-brothers. Neither of us knew that, but we share the same father.”

“So that explains why you look so much alike, even though your coloring is different,” she exclaimed. “Maybe even why your names are so similar.”

“That’s exactly it. And Farrah found out. She decided that, even though my father basically disowned me for not being pure blooded, I’d be next in line if Kian died. And since she and I already had a child together, she thought it would be easy to win me back. So she set out to kill Kian, so she could rule the War Cats at my side.”

“That bitch,” Holly said, ignoring the look of surprise Ian gave her. “What happened to her?”

“Shifters have people we call enforcers. They’re basically cops of the shifter world, and they enforce our laws. They were there, and they took her away. She’ll be occupying a cell in a shifter prison for the rest of her life.”

“There’s so much I don’t understand here. Like why your father didn’t want you, and what happens with Kian, and do you go to the War Cats—”