“Oh, I see. Well, it’s very nice to meet you,” she told Kian.

“And you as well. It is nice to see Ian and Shelby so happy.”

Holly smiled at him before glancing down shyly. Looking up, she held her hand out to Shelby. “Shelby and I are going to go inside and get some studying done. She has a test on Monday, and I happen to know it’s a tough one,” she said, winking at her.

Shelby’s groan echoed around them as Ian leaned in and kissed Holly softly. They turned to walk back to the house, and he smiled as Shelby spoke.

“Do we really have to study, Holly? It’s Saturday! Saturdays are for running and playing and having fun. Not studying,” she said, voice coated in disgust.

“Have you studied for the test at all, Shelby?” Holly asked, her voice saying she already knew the answer.

“No,” Shelby answered reluctantly.

“Then yes, we have to study.”

Heart full, Ian stood staring after them, a smile on his face. How the hell did he ever get so lucky? His life was perfect now, full in a way he never suspected it could be. Well, it would be if they could figure out who was trying to kill him, he amended with a frown. But even that couldn’t detract from the soul deep happiness he was feeling.

“You look very happy, my friend,” Kian said, bringing Ian back to the present. “This makes me glad. You deserve happiness, you and Shelby both.”

“It’s not something I ever thought I’d find. I was adamant that I wouldn’t take the risk again, not after Farrah, and especially not with Shelby. Farrah had me fooled so thoroughly, and it’s something I’m still ashamed of. But Holly is absolutely nothing like Shelby’s mother, and that was apparent after five minutes of being around her.”

Frowning, Kian opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of a truck coming up the gravel driveway distracted them both. Stiffening, tiger alert in his chest, Ian narrowed his eyes as he watched the driveway. Relaxing when he saw it was Chase’s truck, he crossed his arms as he waited on Chase to park and walk over to them.

“What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay away from this mess,” Ian demanded when Chase was close enough.

“And hello to you, too,” Chase said with a smirk.

“I told you to stay away from Rocky River and the fighters until we had this figured out.”

“Whoever this is, isn’t trying to kill me. And I want to help.”

“There’s nothing you can do, MacKeltar, and the last thing I need is for you to be collateral damage. You need to go back home. If this person is willing to target Holly, no one in my life is safe, friends included. I don’t need you on their radar.”

“I’m not leaving you to face this alone,” Chase said stubbornly. “And before you say you’re not alone, yeah, I get that. But another pair of eyes and ears, another brain to help figure it out, can only help.”

Ian was just opening his mouth to reply when he heard Cammie shout, “Move!”

Looking around in confusion, he registered a whistling sound right before Kian cursed, and a thud sounded on the barn behind them. Spotting Cammie and Alex as they ran for the woods, he turned to see Kian clutching his shoulder, and an arrow embedded in the barn wall, still quivering.

It felt like it took forever for his mind to absorb the details, but it was really only seconds. Letting loose a string of curses, he rushed to Kian, peeling his blood soaked hand away from his upper arm.

“It is fine,” Kian gritted out between clenched teeth. “It more grazed me than anything. It just took me by surprise.”

Ignoring his reassurances, Ian studied the wound, relief flooding him when he saw that Kian was correct in his assessment. Even as he watched, the blood had slowed to a stop and the wound was closing. Giving Kian a nod, he moved to study the arrow sticking out of the barn, glaring at Chase as he passed.

“Now do you see why you need to get the hell out of here and stay gone?”

Chase didn’t reply, walking over to study the arrow. Decorated with red and blue feathers, it had three slash marks halfway down. It was a personal, distinctive design, although it gave no clues as to who the design belonged to. Still, it was one more thing they could use to track this person down with.

Hearing footsteps, he turned to see Cammie and Alex returning just as the screen door burst open and Shelby ran out. Skinny legs pumping fast, she ran to Ian and threw her arms around his waist, squeezing tight, before going to Kian and doing the same. Holly followed her, cane in hand, limping as fast as she could, grimacing as she asked more of her leg than she should.

“You two shouldn’t be out here,” he said, automatically looking around for any movements in the woods.

“Whoever did this was gone, and they were fast,” Cammie said grimly. “It was like they were a ghost. Their trail disappeared before they even got past the property line.”

“Oh my God, did someone shoot an arrow at you?” Holly asked, eyes wide as she looked at where the arrow was still sticking out of the barn. When she glanced back at him, the beautiful depths were filled with fear.

“We’re okay,” he said, moving to take her in his arms. “No one was hurt.”