HOLLY WAITED ANXIOUSLY FOR IAN’S RESPONSE, shocked at her own boldness. Never, even with Kyle, had she ever suggested moving things to the bedroom. Of course, she’d only ever been with Kyle, but still. The sentiment applied.

Inwardly grimacing, she blanked out all thoughts of her deceased husband. He had absolutely no place in this moment, not when she was in Ian’s arms, asking him to go to bed with her.

Blood boiling anew, she looked up into Ian’s eyes, taking in the surprise there. He obviously hadn’t expected her to be so forward either, and she held her breath as she waited for him to say something, anything, the nerves eating her alive.

But he didn’t say anything. He just gave her a burning look that singed the ends of her hair and took her by the hand, pulling her inside. She could tell he wanted to rush, but he took his time, going slowly in deference to her leg. When they got to the stairs, he hesitated, looking up to the hallway above before giving her leg a considering glance

“Fuck it.” He bent down and swept her into his arms.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tightly as he climbed the stairs. “Ian, what—”

“No, Holly, I don’t think you’re an invalid, or not able to climb the stairs, or anything less than a strong, capable woman. But I want you more than I think I’ve ever wanted anything, and I’m an impatient man. I can’t wait much longer or I’m going to combust. I need you in my bed. Now.”

“Oh,” she replied softly, just as they crested the stairs, heart racing at his words.

She expected him to put her down, but he didn’t, carrying her down the long hall to his room. Grateful that it was at the end of the hallway, and the only room next to it was Shelby’s empty one since Holly was supposed to be sleeping in there tonight, she didn’t protest as he carried her. She just thanked God that Shelby was staying in a room on the other end of the long hallway. She might not have been able to do to Ian what she wanted if Shelby was near.

Finally sitting her down in front of the door, he twisted the knob and opened it, showing her through. Before she had the chance to look around, Ian stepped in front of her, blocking her view as he backed her up against the door, immediately catching her lips with his again. Her curiosity, her desire to see more of his life, her thoughts, everything, disappeared in a heartbeat, replaced with instant, soul burning desire.

It felt like he was trying to eat her alive, and she was one hundred percent okay with that, as long as she got to return the favor. Their tongues dueled, and she couldn’t stop herself from rubbing her body against his again. Reveling in his groan of desire, she broke the kiss, ignoring his protests. Pulling back, she reached for the hem of his shirt, grasping it and tugging upward.

Reaching down, he grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and pulled it upward and over his head, tossing it to the floor, uncaring of where it landed. Breath catching, she swallowed hard as she ran her eyes over his chest. She’d seen it once before, but never up close like this. Yearning to run her hands down his skin, she sucked a breath in as she realized she could do just that.

A slight tremor shook her hands as she raised them, holding them just above his skin for a moment, a shiver wracking her body as the heat of his skin penetrated hers. Finally easing them down, she smiled inwardly as he sucked a breath in, a shudder shaking his body. Sliding her hands down his silky skin, she basked in the feel of his hard muscles underneath her hands.

She caressed every inch of his skin, starting at his shoulders and running her hands down his arms and back up before sliding them over his pecs. Moving her hands lower, she traced his hard abs, finally running her fingers over the ropes of muscles forming a V on his hips.

He was beautiful. Maybe it wasn’t the right word to use when describing a man, but she didn’t care. That’s what he was, and she couldn’t think of anything that described him better. He was heavily muscled and massive, his skin lightly tanned, soft and smooth to the touch. Even his tattoos enhanced his appeal, and she’d never been a fan of them, never found them attractive. Now she couldn’t imagine him without them, and they were perfect, accenting his physique perfectly.

She started to trail her fingers back up but paused when he grasped her wrists in his hands, her eyes shooting up to meet his.

“No more. I can’t take another second. Besides, I think it’s your turn, don’t you?”

Releasing her hands, he moved to grasp the edge of her blouse. Despite his strained words when he spoke, the hoarseness, the desire he clearly felt, he still paused, glancing into her eyes with a question in his. Heart warming as she realized he was asking permission, she gave a tiny nod of her head.

Exhaling with what she thought was relief, he quickly pulled her shirt over her head and let it drop to the floor. Eyes heated, he paused for a moment, running his eyes over her bared skin, and she fought the urge to cover herself up with her hands. But when he glanced up into her eyes, his silver specked bright blue gaze burning her where she stood, the urge disappeared, and she straightened her spine instead.

Reaching a hand out, he ran a finger down the satiny green strap of her bra, and when he spoke, his voice was reverent. “You’re more beautiful than I’d imagined, Holly. What you do to me…”

Voice trailing off, he took her by the hand and led her to the bed, helping her onto it. Laying back as he climbed over her, her breath caught as he put his fingers at her collarbone, slowly sliding them down the center of her chest, lightly grazing her skin and making her shiver in desire, goosebumps raising on her skin.

Pulling her back up slightly, he unsnapped her bra and pulled it off, dropping it on the bed beside them. His eyes glazed over as he took her in, but he didn’t touch her breasts like she thought he would. Instead, he pressed her back to the bed, following her down and covering her lips with his, kissing her deeply.

Wrapping her arms around him, she kissed him back, loving the feel of his warm, hard chest pressing into her soft one. They were skin to skin, and it was everything.

Eventually, his hand crept up, sliding up her torso from her waist. Shifting to the side, he finally, finally, cupped her breast, squeezing lightly before rubbing his thumb over her nipple. Gasping, she arched her back as his lips left her mouth and trailed to her ear. Moaning as his hot breath hit her ear, sending shivers racing over her skin, she held her breath as he slid his lips and tongue down her throat, stopping to nibble every other kiss.

His hand was still kneading her breast, and he shifted all the way off her as he moved his mouth down

. She felt his hot breath wash over her nipple moments before he sucked it into his mouth. Unable to stop her moan from breaking free, her head moved back and forth on the pillow as he suckled, his fingers still plucking her other nipple.

After a few moments of that torture, he switched things up, licking and nibble the other nipple while his fingers played with the first. Liquid heat filled her middle, and she shifted restlessly, trying to move her legs so she could wrap them around him. But he was laying on her skirt and the material was pulled tight, not allowing her movement, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders in frustration.

Easing backward, he looked down to see what the situation was, and with a quirk to his lips, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips before sitting up and reaching for the stretchy waistband of her skirt.

Stiffening, she reached out and grabbed his hands, halting his movements. “Wait.”

Freezing, he searched her gaze, brow furrowed. “What is it? What’s wrong? We can stop if you need to. We don’t have to keep going. You can have as much time as you need.”