Shelby let out an ear-piercing squeal, making Holly and Ian both wince. Bounding over, she sat right between them, wiggling her butt around until they made room for her.

“I wished and prayed every night for this to happen,” Shelby said happily. “I didn’t think it would. I’ve wished for lots of stuff in my life, but the only one that came true was getting to come live with Dad. It used to make me sad that my other wishes never came true, but now I think it’s okay. I got the two most important things, the things I wanted the most. My Dad, and now a new mom.”

“Whoa, sweets, slow down.” Ian kissed the top of her head. “I don’t want you getting your hopes up. Holly agreed to give this a shot. She didn’t agree to stay forever.”

“She will,” Shelby answered confidently.

Suppressing a smile, Holly glanced at Ian, watching as he gave her a wry look that couldn’t hide the worry in his eyes. He didn’t want to put pressure on Holly, she knew, and he was worrying Shelby would scare her away with talks of being her mother.

But there was no way something like that would scare her off. Ian alone was heaven, but the fact that he came with Shelby was an extraordinary gift. Holly had always longed to be a mother, and not only would being with Ian give her himself, but it would give her Shelby, too. And there was nothing Holly would like more.

Maybe it was premature to feel like this, to already be so invested in whatever this was, but it felt so right. She felt complete with them, whole in a way she hadn’t since Kyle.

And maybe—maybe not even then.

She waited, and then waited some more, for the guilt from that thought to hit her, but it never did. Shocked, she looked deep into herself, searching for any hint of guilt or unease, but there was none. And she honestly wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that.

“Oh, you guys are so cute. You look like a real family.”

Looking up, Holly saw Cammie smiling at them from the entrance to the living room. The petite fighter was rubbing her belly, and once again, Holly waited for the envy and sadness to hit her at seeing a pregnant woman. It was there, but it wasn’t the crushing emotion she normally felt.

Shelby wriggled against her and Holly looked down with a smile. She didn’t need to be sad any longer. She’d always mourn her lost baby, just like she’d always mourn Kyle. But she had a man and potential daughter right here next to her, and it was everything.

She glanced at Ian in time to see him roll his eyes. “You guys are going to scare her off before I have a chance to make that a reality,” he muttered. Holly suppressed another smile. She’d been spot on earlier about what he was thinking.

“We are not. She looks pretty content with the thought,” Cammie replied, nodding her head toward Holly.

Ian glanced over at her and she couldn’t resist winking at him. Eyebrows raising in surprise, he smiled slowly. “Well then, that’s all right.”

They got lost in each other’s eyes, not looking away until Cammie spoke again. “I wanted to let you guys know I’m gonna go get dinner started.”

“It’s my turn to make dinner, though,” Ian protested halfheartedly.

“You want her to stay, don’t you? She’ll be out of here tonight if she has to eat anything you make.”

“Good point,” he muttered.

“Tacos sound good to everyone?”

“Yes, tacos sound amazing,” Shelby piped up excitedly.

“Sounds good to me,” Ian said while Holly nodded.

They watched as Cammie left the room, and then Shelby turned to Holly. “Will you play Barbies with me?”

“Have you finished your homework yet?” Holly asked.

“It’s all done.”

“Then let’s go,” she said, waiting for Shelby to stand up before following suit.

Eyes twinkling, Holly started to follow Shelby out of the room, but Ian reached a hand out and snagged her hand, bringing her to a stop. Standing up, he pulled her in close, clasping her waist in his hands.

“Thank you for agreeing to play with her. I know it means a lot to her.”

“Of course. I enjoy spending time with Shelby. Besides, what girl doesn’t like playing with Barbies, even once they’re grown?”

Breath catching, she watched a slow smile curve his lips as he lowered his head. He pressed his lips to hers in what she was sure he meant as a brief kiss, but it quickly caught fire as her blood heated.