; “This is like something out of a novel,” Amelia said softly, eyes troubled. “And whoever is doing this doesn’t seem to be planning a happy ending.”

“No, they don’t,” Ian agreed grimly. Looking at Kian, he said, “Are you ready to admit you need backup now?”

“I am not. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you delusional, dude? If Alex hadn’t stopped you, you would have eaten that dinner. Eaten the poison. You need to accept you need someone, your pride be damned,” Seth spit out.

“If you don’t want to call anyone in from the War Cats, then I want you to leave the hotel and come stay here. We have the room,” Ian said.

“And put everyone here in danger, if it’s me who’s being targeted?” Kian asked in disbelief.

“There’s safety in numbers,” Ian replied softly. “I know you don’t want to admit it, but you’re more vulnerable by yourself.”

“I think we should all come back to stay here,” Jax said quietly. “At least until we get this figured out. You’re right, there’s safety in numbers, and more eyes watching and more people here to have your backs can only be a good thing. You have the room, even with Kian staying.”

“I don’t want you all to put your lives on hold for me,” Ian said with a frown.

“Ian,” Piper said. “I’ve been with this family the least amount of time, but I could see how much you all meant to each other right off the bat. And that’s what you all are, a family. The bonds you all have formed with each other are even thicker than blood. And I know for a fact, there’s not one person in this room, mates included, who wouldn’t lay down their lives for you. Who wouldn’t be gutted if we lost you.”

“She’s right,” Amelia said. “And you’ve done so much for each and every person in this room. Let us do something for you. Coming to stay here until the threat is neutralized is a small thing compared to the sacrifices you’ve made for your fighters, for all of us.”

Dropping his eyes, Ian pretended to study his hands, his throat tight with emotion. Gruffly clearing his throat, he nodded, looking back up. “Okay, then. If you’re all okay with it, who am I to say no? And I appreciate this. I really do.”

Everyone’s eyes turned as one to Kian, who had been silent during the exchange. Holding up his hands, he exhaled heavily, saying, “All right. I’ll come stay here until we get this figured out.”

Ian smiled and gave him a small nod. “We’ll get this figured out quickly.”

“What about Holly?” Cammie asked as she bustled around the kitchen, getting dinner ready.

“Holly?” Seth asked with interest.

“Holly is Shelby’s teacher. She’s also Ian’s mate. Shelby told me,” she replied with a smile.

“Dude, you found your mate and didn’t say anything?” Seth exclaimed.

“There’s nothing to say yet. She has some reservations, so I’m working on it.”

“But you are working on it?” Jax asked, his green eyes probing.

“I am,” Ian replied, smiling at the thought of Holly.

“I gotta say, I’m kind of shocked. I thought we were going to have to get all sneaky or clobber you over the head to get you to take a mate,” Seth said.

“With anyone else, you might have. But Holly’s different. And you should see her with Shelby. She’s perfect.”

“Awww,” Amelia said, a mushy look on her face.

Ian cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Anyway. I don’t think Holly is in any danger. Whoever this is, isn’t going after her. But I’ll probably back off until we get this figured out. I don’t want to draw attention to her.”

“If you back off, you’ll lose momentum. And you might not be able to get it back,” Cammie said softly.

“It’s a risk I have to take. Her safety is more important. But I’ll be watching her from a distance. I won’t leave her defenseless.”

“I guess I understand that. But the second this is over, get right back in the game. I’m going to get this dinner made fast. I know we’re all hungry. And you should go talk to Shelby. I know you want to protect and shield her from everything, especially stuff like this, but she needs to know. She has to be on her guard, as well.”

Pushing back his chair, Ian nodded as he stood up. He hated to let Shelby in on more ugliness in the world. She’d already been exposed to enough. But Cammie was right. She needed to know so she could be wary of any potential danger around her.