“I know I just gave you a lot to think about. And as much as I want to stay and press my case, get to know you more, I don’t want to overwhelm you and risk pushing you away. But I want you to think about what I said. Really think about it. I know you feel the same attraction, the same pull, that I do. Weigh those risks versus rewards, and think about how good we could be together. How perfectly you, me, and Shelby fit together. Because I can see it already, after only knowing you for a couple weeks, and I know you do, too. I’ll see you soon, Holly. That’s a promise.”

Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her cheek and then turned and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Pressing her fingers to her cheek where she could still feel the imprint of his lips like a red-hot branding iron, she stared at the closed door, unable to believe that was real and actually happened. Her mind was racing, swirling with thoughts, and her heart was pounding.

Never had she imagined that would be his response to her story. She honestly thought he’d nod and accept it; disappointed, perhaps, but understanding. Instead, she got a declaration of his intent to fight for her.

Groaning, she dropped her hand and leaned her head back against the sofa, her cheek still tingling from the brief press of his lips to her skin. What the hell was she going to do? And that right there was a testament to how shaken she was, because she never cursed, even in her mind, even just a mild word like ‘hell’.

She had no clue what to do. There was a large piece of her that was frozen in fear. If

she took a chance on this, on him, and something happened, there was no doubt in her mind that she’d never recover. And that part of her wanted to run screaming away from the risk.

But despite herself, she wanted to take that chance on Ian. Wanted it badly, in fact. And he came as a package deal with Shelby, and that just made it that much more appealing and hard to resist. The part of her that wanted him, the part of her that loved Shelby already, was growing stronger and more instant with every moment.

What in the world was she going to do?

IAN PLAYED DIRTY. HOLLY STARED AT THE COLLECTION of items on her desk after her last student left, shaking her head. He played dirty, and he was using his daughter to do it. She hadn’t seen him in three days, since he left her apartment Sunday. But he was making his presence and his intent known.

Monday, she and her class were discussing various types of insects and animals. Shelby asked her what her favorite was, and Holly answered butterflies, because they started off as one thing and then transformed themselves into something else, a thing of beauty. Later on, some of the kids were talking about their favorite colors, and Shelby asked Holly what hers was. She told her it was pink.

The next morning, she got to school to find a gorgeous glass butterfly on her desk, its wings a vibrant pink and blue. Then yesterday, during a lesson, they were discussing flowers, and again Shelby asked her what her favorite was. And this morning, there’d been a pink vase full of daisies on her desk. Her students teased her mercilessly all day about her ‘boyfriend’, and Shelby had just smiled serenely at her, a twinkle in her eyes.

Holly resolved not to answer any more questions about her favorites to Shelby again, but the little girl was as much of a sneak as her father. She must have overheard Holly telling another student this morning that her favorite dessert was double fudge brownies, because when they came in from recess this afternoon, a box of just that from Mansfield’s bakery was sitting on her desk.

He was waging war on her heart, and he wasn’t above using his eight-year-old daughter as a soldier in his battle.

Despite herself, a smile curled the corners of her lips up. As much as she hated to admit it, it was genius. Shelby was a weak spot for Holly, and it had taken no time at all for him to recognize that fact. And using her to find out Holly’s favorites… yeah, he was playing dirty, but she had to admit, he was playing smart, as well.

Because he was winning this battle. Giddiness welled up inside her as she looked at the gifts again. When was the last time she received a gift from someone other than her students? She was going to push down the panicky voice inside her and let herself enjoy these.

Pulling the bakery box toward her, she opened the lid and tore off a corner of a brownie, popping it into her mouth. Heaven. Heaven in the form of a brownie. Rolling her eyes closed, she savored the bite, chewing slowly. This may be the best brownie she’d ever had in her life, and that was saying something, since she’d tasted every brand she’d ever come across.

“They’re good, huh? You look like you’re really enjoying that bite.”

Eyes flying open at Ian’s voice, huskier than usual, she looked over to see him leaning casually on the doorframe. Even with the distance between them, she could see the heat in his eyes, and answering heat washed over her skin. The heat from his gaze almost melted the brownie she was holding. Swallowing hastily, she grabbed her bottle of water and took a sip, trying to control her emotions before speaking.

“They’re very good, but you really shouldn’t have. But I’m kind of glad you did. Thank you,” she replied, smiling shyly at him.

“It was my pleasure. And after watching you eat that bite, it felt more like a gift to me instead of you,” he said, voice silky and deep, caressing her nerve endings as he strolled into the room. “They’re from Piper’s bakery. Best baked goods around.”

Lord, he looked good. Dark blue jeans and a tight blue shirt that showed just how muscular he was and showcased his bright blue eyes, heavy work boots on his feet. His longish light brown hair was falling around his face, and she felt the foreign urge to run her fingers through the silky strands, push them back out of the way. Her core tightened with desire, and she resisted the urge to squirm in her chair as she watched him come to a stop in front of her desk. She was in so much trouble.

“Who’s Piper?”

“She’s Jax’s fiancée.”

“Jax? He was at the dance, right?”

“I forget that you don’t know us very well yet. Yeah, he was. Jax is one of my fighters, along with Seth and Cammie. Piper is Jax’s, Amelia belongs to Seth, and Alex belongs to Cammie.”

“Belongs to?” she asked with a frown. Part of her objected to the terminology, and part of her longed to hear him say she belonged to him. Oh, boy. She was even further gone than she thought. “You talk like your fighters own their partners.”

“I wouldn’t necessarily say they own them. And it’s a mutual thing. They each belong to the other. It goes both ways. But isn’t that the way it should be? I know I’d love to belong to you,” he replied, eyes seeming to change color with intensity as he gazed at her.

She got lost in the depths of his bright blue eyes, watching as specs of silver appeared to dance in the blue. So beautiful. Swallowing hard, she finally managed to wrench her eyes away, looking at her desk where all his presents were sitting.

“You really shouldn’t have done all this,” she said with a wave of her hand to the gifts, clearing her throat when her words came out breathy.

“I wanted to. And it’s not much. Nothing like what I want to give you.”