“It might be best if you keep calling me Ms. White. Since I’m Shelby’s teacher and all. That way we don’t cross any lines.”

Eyes narrowing, he studied her and then nodded shortly. “If that’s what you want. But if you’re Ms. White, why do the students call you Mrs.?”

“It is what I want. And because I was known as Mrs. White to my students before my husband passed away. I didn’t want to change it mid-year and cause confusion with my students, and then after that school year was over, I just left it as it was. Speaking of Shelby, did you talk to her about the dance?”

“I did. She wants to go, so we will. But I can’t make promises about dancing.”

“I’m sure she’d just be happy you tried.” Holly grinned at the image of this huge man dancing with his dainty daughter. But the amusement quickly faded and warmth took its place as the moment between father and daughter took place in her mind. Uncomfortable, she cleared her throat and looked away.

“Ian,” a voice called from the doorway. They looked toward the tiny woman speaking. “You’re up soon. You should probably get back in.”

Giving her a nod, Ian turned back to Holly, gracing her a with charming smile. “I’ll see you soon, Mrs. White.”

Even the more formal version of her name sounded like sin when it fell from his lips. A shiver danced up her spine as she walked him walk back into the barn. She paused as the woman walked toward her instead of following Ian back inside. As she got closer, Holly noticed she was pregnant, and a pang of envy pierced her heart. Forcing her eyes back to the woman’s face, she waited as she came to a stop in front of her.

“So you’re Holly. I’m Cammie. I’ve been wanting to meet you.”

Eyebrows raising, she replied, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Shelby thinks very highly of you. She talks about you all the time.”

“Oh, that’s nice. I think highly of her too.” She tried to convince herself she wasn’t disappointed that it was Shelby, and not Ian, who’d been talking about her.

Giving her a look that made it clear she saw straight through her, Cammie said, “Ian, too. I’ve heard him mention you.”

“Oh?” She tried to sound like it was no big deal.

Cammie nodded and then dropped the subject, leaving Holly yearning to know how Ian spoke about her.

“You’re not coming back in? Ian’s up next, and he always puts on a good fight.”

Holly shook her head. “This isn’t really my thing, so I think I’m gonna head home.”

“Really?” Cammie asked. “They’re a lot of fun.”

“You enjoy watching fights?”

“Watching, participating, training. I enjoy it all.”

“You fight?” Holly tried to imagine a tiny woman like Cammie fighting, but the image wasn’t forming very well.

“Oh yeah.” Cammie laughed. Rubbing her belly, she said, “I can’t right now, for obvious reasons, but I’m itching to get back to it.”

“But you’re so…” she said, gesturing at Cammie, finally trailing off. “Aren’t you afraid of getting hurt?”

“Nope. I know you probably think I’m too small, but I’m good at what I do. I can even beat Ian and the other guys when I want to.” A loud cheer went up in the barn, and Cammie glanced over her shoulder before looking back at Holly. “Sounds like Ian just got announced. I better get in there. Are you sure you don’t want to come back in?”

“I’m sure. You have fun, though.”

“Oh, I will. See you later!”

Cammie trotted back into the barn, moving faster than a pregnant woman should be able to. Holly headed to her car and pulled onto the dirt lane that led to the highway. She tried to clear her thoughts of everything she’d seen tonight, but she couldn’t.

As much as she was sure she’d think of nothing but Ian’s mouthwatering body all night long, he was the last thing on her mind right now. He was completely overshadowed by seeing Cammie’s pregnant belly tonight, and the feelings coursing through Holly were still potent and overwhelming, as familiar as they were.

As she drove, she gave up trying to bank her feelings, instead, trying to untangle and sort them as best she could, to acknowledge them and then lock them away again. But she still hadn’t managed to put a dent in dealing with them by the time she pulled up at her apartment. Leg aching, she leaned heavily on her cane as she limped to her door. Unlocking it, she flipped on the lights and tossed her purse and keys on the table before making her way to the couch, sinking down with a sigh.

She wondered when seeing a pregnant woman would stop hitting her like a punch to the gut. She’d been hopeful that she’d finally dealt with her emotions, but seeing Cammie made it clear she hadn’t yet. And it was probably naïve to think she ever would.