“It’s delicious,” he replied, already forking more into his mouth.

They ate in silence before he spoke again. “Seth is on his way over to build some planters. I know you said don’t worry about replacing them, but I want to. I’d do it, but I want them to be really nice. Working with wood is his gift, so he’s the best at


Freezing with her fork in the air, she looked at him with an uncharacteristically soft and mushy expression before quickly masking it. “That’s so sweet of you, Jax, but you don’t need to do that.”

“Let me do this for you, Pippy. Please,” he said softly.

Eyeing him for a moment, she finally nodded with a small smile. “All right,” she replied. Clearing her throat, she asked, “His gift?”

“I guess I didn’t tell you about that. All shifters have a gift, something they’re good at. His is working with wood.”

“What’s yours?” she asked curiously before holding up a hand. “Wait, I can guess. Music?”

Lips quirking in a smile, he nodded. “Yeah. That’s why I can always play any musical instrument without instruction. It all comes easy to me.”

“That must be nice. To have something you can do, and do well, with no hesitation.”

“You have one, and you’re not even a shifter,” he replied. She arched an eyebrow, and he said, “Your paintings. You’re incredibly talented. You have been since you were young.”

He watched with fascination as her cheeks flushed, something that rarely happened. “I’ve practiced a lot, and I majored in art in college. A lot of work went into it,” she said humbly.

“Like I said, you were good even at eight years old. I’m sure you’ve worked hard, but don’t diminish your natural talent.”

Avoiding his eyes, she shrugged, quickly biting into her biscuit. Smiling, he went back to his breakfast, letting the subject drop. He was just finishing up when she spoke again.

“Are you staying here all day?”

“I was planning on it. I can’t leave you to fend for yourself when someone is stirring up trouble. You know that, right?”

“Yeah, I know. I was planning on going to the bakery later today. I’ve only been once since I got back, and I didn’t really look around much then.”

“I’ll go with you,” he said, standing to take his plate to the sink.

A knock sounded on the door, and he turned to answer it. “That’s probably Seth. I’ll get it.”

Walking swiftly up the hall, he opened the door to find Seth standing with his hands on his hips, glaring at the smashed flower pots. “This is fucked up,” he told Jax.

“It is. Thanks for coming so quickly.”

“Anything for my friends and family, you know that. And you’re more family than anything, and Piper is automatically included in that since she’s your mate.”

Nodding, Jax squirmed in discomfort. He wasn’t big on emotional displays, unless it was with Piper, but Seth’s words hit him hard. Seth was an idiot most of the time, making jokes and inappropriate comments, always testing the patience of those around him. But he had a heart of gold, and he’d do anything for the people he considered his close friends and family.

“Thanks for coming,” Piper said, coming up behind Jax. “You don’t have to do this, but I really appreciate it.”

“Absolutely. And don’t worry about it. I enjoy doing stuff like this,” Seth replied, an easy smile on his face.

“We just finished breakfast, and there’s plenty left over. Would you like some before you get started?”

“Thanks, but Amelia made a big breakfast this morning. I’d just finished eating when Jax called.”

“Okay. If you need anything, let me know,” she said, turning to go back into the house.

“What do you need from me?” Jax asked.

“Nothing except the stain. I have everything else I need.”