“I guess we both realized our dreams,” she said with a grin.

“Some of them,” he said, stepping forward and cupping her cheek. “But not the most important one.”

Leaning into his touch, she gazed up at him with big violet eyes, and he knew she understood what he

meant. She gave an almost imperceptible nod, and his heart leapt in his chest. Bending down, he kissed her lips softly, and then with increasing intensity. When he pulled back, they were both fighting for air, and her eyes were hazy.

Smiling, his eagle soaring high inside him, he said, “Let’s get you home.”

She just nodded, and he turned to grab his gym bag, throwing the strap over his shoulder and guiding her to his truck. The drive to her house was made in silence, the air between them taut with meaning and understanding. He felt like she was finally giving in to him, to her feelings. Finally giving the go ahead to move things along, and the relief he felt would have been enough to knock him on his ass if he wasn’t already sitting.

Pulling up to her house, he got out at the same time she did. Meeting her at the front of the truck to walk with her to the door, he frowned at the strong smell of freshly turned dirt, looking around for the source.

“What the fuck?” Piper hissed, leaving his side and jetting up the sidewalk.

Frowning after her, he noticed what had her upset, and took off after. Standing beside her, they both stared at the bottom of the porch steps. Both of the flower pots that bracketed the top of the porch stairs were smashed, lying broken on the sidewalk.

“Who would—oh my God, Snickers.” Rushing forward before he could stop her, she tried the door knob. “Still locked,” she muttered, digging for her keys.

Quickly putting his hand over hers, he gently pried the keys from her fingers. “Being locked doesn’t mean they didn’t get inside. Let me go in. You stay out here until I get done searching the house.”

“You’re out of your ever lovin’ delusional damned mind if you think I’m standing out here in the dark while you search the house. Besides, I have to check on Snickers. Have to, Jackson Brody.”

Seeing the wisdom in her words, he nodded. “Okay, but you stick right next to me while I check out the house. I mean, stuck to me like glue, Piper Jasmine.”

“Okay, fine, whatever. Just open the fucking door so I can check on my dog!”

Noting the rising hysteria in her voice, he quickly unlocked the door. “Stay close,” he reminded as they walked inside.

No sooner had he shut the door than he heard the clicking of toenails on the floor rushing toward them. Watching as Piper fell to her knees and scooped up her dog, he found a smile despite his worry and fury. He was happier than he would admit that Snickers was okay. Losing him would have devastated Piper, but to Jax’s surprise, he was genuinely fond of the weird looking little dog.

He gave her a moment before touching her shoulder. “I really need to check the house, make sure no one is in here.”

Nodding, she let the dog go and stood, grabbing his belt as she walked next to him. “I feel ridiculous. I shouldn’t need a man to protect me.”

“But you do, right this moment,” he said softly, checking the office. “Cammie would probably teach you to fight, after the baby’s born. She likes doing that shit.”

“I didn’t know she was pregnant,” she whispered as he checked the half bath. “Or that she was a fighter. Is she any good?”

Snorting quietly, Jax checked to make sure both doors in the kitchen were still locked. “Hell yeah. She can beat us guys when she wants to.”

“That’s impressive. You guys are hella good.”

They fell quiet after that as he finished checking the downstairs. It was all clear, so they made their way upstairs, and he checked it all thoroughly, even looking in the closets. They were alone.

“Whoever it was didn’t get inside,” he said as they walked back down the stairs. “They just broke the flower pots.”

She came to a stop and looked sadly toward the front porch. “Those were my grandmother’s. She bought them the day she and grandpa moved in. This is fucked up. And who comes over just to smash flower pots? I don’t get any of this.”

“They’re just fucking with you, for whatever reason. We won’t know why until we catch them, and trust me, Piper, we will catch them,” he said, staring into her eyes. “I’ll buy you new flower pots. I’ll buy you a thousand if it’ll get the smile back on your face.”

“I appreciate it, but it wouldn’t be the same,” she replied, eyes sad. “And what smile? It’s not like I’ve given you many since we saw each other again.”

Eyes drilling into hers, he stepped close and touched her cheek. “Yeah, the curse to smile ratio is large right now. But I’m determined to change that, Piper. I’m going to give you every reason to smile at me again, I promise you. The only time you’ll be cursing at me is when we’re in bed, and you’re begging me to go faster, harder, give you more.”

Piper’s mouth popped open, and she stared at him for a moment, eyes dazed. Shaking her head, she gave a shaky laugh. “In your dreams, St. James.” She hesitated before she spoke again. “I’m really glad you were with me tonight. Boss Bitch or not, I would have freaked out if I saw that when I was alone.”

“I’m glad I was here too. And it is in my dreams, Pippy, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make it our reality,” he replied, voice gravelly as he locked eyes with her. Thoughts and feelings shot back and forth between the two of them, garnering intensity with every volley, and just as he was about to step forward, she looked away and cleared her throat.