The fight finally ended, Kian declared the winner, and Jax and Ian were announced. Piper straightened in her seat, breath catching as she watched Jax walk into the ring. He was wearing shorts and nothing else, and she ran her eyes up and down his body. Dear Lord, he was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

Shifting in her seat, she pressed her thighs together as her core tingled and tightened, positive she was getting wet just from looking at him. No man had ever affected her like he did, and she knew none ever would. Something about Jax drew her on a level no other man could touch.

“Are you sure you’re over him?” came Kelly’s amused voice from beside her. “Because it doesn’t look like it. You look like you’d eat him up right now if he was standing in front of you.”

Exhaling, Piper glanced over and shook her head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I should be over him. I should hate him, and a part of me still does. But there’s this bigger part of me that can’t help but want him.”

Kelly’s smile faded a bit as she searched Piper’s eyes. “You talk like you’ve made up your mind about getting involved with him again. I’m glad. You and Jax are the only two people I’ve ever known who truly loved each other. A love like that isn’t easy to find. Trust me, I know.”

“I haven’t decided anything for sure yet,” she answered, blowing out a breath as she looked at Jax again. “But I won’t lie—a big part of me wants to.”

“Well, I support you, no matter what you decide. But I still say you two are meant for each other,” Kelly declared, patting Piper’s hand. She looked toward the ring and glared in Jax’s direction. “But he’ll have me to answer to if he hurts you again.”

Piper smiled at the threat against a man like Jax coming from someone like Kelly, but her friend’s voice was fierce, and Piper knew she meant every word.

“Thanks, Kel. I appreciate it a lot,” she replied.

Amelia touched her on the arm, drawing her attention. “I’m going to go on back and see Seth, if that’s all right with you.”

Waving her off, Piper said, “Sure, that’s fine. Thanks for keeping me company.”

“Anytime,” Amelia replied, smiling before making her way down the bleachers.

Turning back to the ring, she watched as Jax and Ian bumped fists before stepping back. Then quick as a lightning strike, Jax threw his fist at Ian’s face, connecting with a powerful blow Piper swore she heard from where she sat. And from there, it was on.

Her concern for Jax disappeared as she watched the fight unfold. He was focused and precise, not backing down an inch, striking quick as a snake. He used his whole body, throwing his weight behind his punches and kicks, defensive when he needed to be, but on the offensive for the whole fight.

He dominated it. He was a beast. He was amazing. He was fucking hot.

It came as no surprise that he won the fight. Even after he started to walk back to the stalls, she was still frozen in awe. She remembered him saying once when they were younger that he wanted to fight. And look at him now. He’d not only learned to fight, but he’d become the best in the process.

He paused at the edge of the walkway and turned, searching her out. When he found her, he gestured for her to come on back, and then he disappeared.

“Looks like he wants to celebrate his win with you,” Kelly said mischievously.

Lips quirking, Piper said, “We rode over here together. He probably just wants to leave.”

“Yeah, right,” Kelly snorted. “You’re not fooling me with that. I’m gonna head on home, but you go get ‘em, tiger. Literally,” she said with a wink, eyes twinkling.

Laughing, Piper waved as Kelly stood and made her way down the bleachers, and then stood with a sigh. She felt incredibly nervous about seeing Jax again after her earlier thoughts, but it wasn’t like he’d know what she was thinking. And she needed to forget about it for now. She still didn’t know if she wanted to start things again with him.

But she knew she needed to make up her mind soon. Things were moving fast, and she needed to put a halt to it now, if that was really what she wanted.

Jax pulled his shirt down over his head just as Piper knocked on the side of the stall, peeking around the edge. Smiling, he gestured her forward.

“I’m dressed now, and decent. At least in body,” he said, winking.

Seemingly flustered, she looked around the stall. “Did everyone leave already?”

“Yep, a minute ago.”

“Oh,” she said softly before walking closer and finally looking him in the eyes. “You were amazing out there. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Thanks,” he replied, resisting the urge to puff up like a rooster.

“Remember when we were kids, and you said you wanted to learn how to fight? You did it. Not only learned how, but you kick ass at it. Literally,” she said with a laugh. “I’m proud of you, Jax.”

His heart did this weird melty thing in his chest, and feeling like a twelve-year-old girl, he shrugged. “I just worked hard, is all. You did it, too, Pippy. You always wanted to be an artist. And now you sell your paintings all over the place. I’m proud of you, too.”