“Not all men are, Pippy,” he replied, frown deepening.

“The men in my life are. Look at the whole picture. My dad was a grade A asshole who was an alcoholic and druggie. He pulled my mom into that life, isolated her from my grandparents and everything she’d known, and then killed her one night when he decided to drive drunk and high with her in the car. Then there’s you, who ripped my heart from my chest in the most callous way possible. I get that you had your reasons, but you still did it. Then Scott. ‘Nough said about him. I think I just made my point.”


?m sorry for my part in your view of men,” he said softly, gazing into her eyes. “Truly sorry. I needed to protect you, and I didn’t know of any other way. And I thought I had to be harsh, because I know you. You would have dug your heels in and tried to change my mind. I had to do it in a way that ensured you walked away. But you’re right. There were better ways of handling it, and possibly other alternatives to breaking things off with you to begin with.”

She stared at him, moved by his words and the sincerity in his voice. It meant a lot that he was taking responsibility for his actions. But it also meant she was another step closer to forgiving him, and she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to go there. Frowning as a thought occurred to her, she turned to face him more fully on the couch.

“Shouldn’t your grandfather and colony be on the suspect list? If that Zane guy is on there because I’m associating with you, they should be as well.”

Jax shook his head with a half-smile. “I went to see my grandfather early this morning. Went to threaten him, actually. He said he couldn’t care less what I did with my life or who I saw now, and if someone was coming after you, it wasn’t him. And shifters can hear lies, so I know he was telling the truth. Then I thought the colony was acting on their own, but I ran into one of the old timers at the hardware store. He said none of them were on board with my grandfather’s plan back then, and none would stand in our way now.”

Piper sat quietly, absorbing that. “So you mean you broke up with me for nothing? None of the eagles would have attacked me?”

Rubbing a hand over his face, he exhaled. “I guess not. I mean, there’s a good possibility my grandfather would have done it on his own. But the colony as a whole wasn’t backing him up on this. In fact, when his plan got out, the colony disbanded and those who were able to, left Eagle Creek. I’m so sorry, Pippy. If I’d waited just a few more days, everything would have been different. This is all my fault. Our breakup, our pain, your marriage to assmonkey Scott, all of it. It’s on me.”

“No, it’s not,” she replied quietly. “As much as I’d love to blame all my woes on you, it wouldn’t be fair. Scott’s on me, not you. I got involved with him for all the wrong reasons, and I knew I should put a stop to it, even while I was standing with him at the altar. That’s not your fault.”

“I’ll always feel like it is. But thanks for that,” he said with a smile. Glancing down at his watch, he cursed, eyebrows flying up. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I need to get going. Fighting is hard for shifters. Our animals always want out because they see fighting as us being in danger. It makes it a little easier to control them if we shift before the fight, so I better go. I don’t have much time left.”

“Can I go?” she asked, curiosity about his animal brimming over. “I’ve never met your animal. I’d like to.”

He looked at her in surprise before nodding. “Yeah. I’d like that,” he replied, standing up. “Why don’t you ride with me? We’re both going to the same places, since you’re going to the fight tonight, and there’s no sense in wasting gas. I’ll bring you back here when it’s over.”

Wanting to protest and think of an excuse not to, she finally nodded as she stood. “Okay. As long as you bring me right back here tonight. Let me go let Snicks out and make sure he’s set, and then we can leave.”

Turning, she walked back to the kitchen to let Snickers out, pausing when her phone rang. Pulling it out of her pocket, she smiled as she saw Kelly’s name. “Hey, Kelly.”

“Hey, Piper!” Kelly answered in a cheerily. “I wanted to check in with you. How are you doing? Any closer to figuring out the break-in?”

“Nope,” she answered, making sure the dog’s food and water bowls were full. “But I’m okay. It’ll take more than that to rattle me.”

“That’s my girl,” Kelly replied with a laugh. “Are you still at Rocky River?”

“No, I’m back home now.”

“Are you sure that’s wise? What if something else happens?” Kelly asked, voice concerned. “At least at Rocky River you’re surrounded by fighters who can protect you.”

“I appreciate the thought, Kel, but I can take care of myself. And I’d rather be home.”

“I guess I can understand that, but I’m still going to worry about you. Do you want some company tonight?”

“I’m actually going to the fights tonight. I’m curious to see what all the fuss is about. Want to come with me?”

“Oh, that sounds like fun! I’m in the middle of something that will take some of my time up, so I’ll miss the beginning, but I can meet you there.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll see you there.”

“See you!” Kelly chirped.

Shaking her head with a smile, Piper ended the call and turned to put the cookies in some Tupperware so she could give them to the fighters. Kelly had always been incredibly cheerful. In high school they weren’t so different, but Piper was a good bit removed from how she was back then. Still, it was refreshing to know that while some things changed, others never did.

Quickly putting the bowls in a bag, she turned to check the locks. She was anxious to see Jax’s eagle, and she was excited for the fights, too. She’d never been to a fight before, but if she was being honest with herself, it was more than that. The idea of seeing Jax so dominant, so tough and aggressive, was hot, and it turned her on.

That should scare her away, but it didn’t. And the fact that it didn’t was what scared her now. She was in danger of losing herself to him again, and she wasn’t sure that was a place she wanted to go.

“I think I want to learn to fight one day,” Jax said out of the blue.