As she worked, her thoughts drifted back to the revelations of last night. She felt like she’d been too hard on Jax. While it was true that there had probably been other options, other ways of handling it, they were just kids. And she had to ask herself—if someone had been threatening Jax, what would she have done?

She hated to admit it, but she probably would have done the same thing he did. She’d do anything to keep him safe, no matter the cost.

Would have done. She meant she would have done anything to keep him safe.

Yeah, right. Even in her most convincing tone, she couldn’t make herself believe that was past tense.

“Your hair is fucking awesome.”

Letting out a startled shriek she would deny making to her dying day, Piper whirled around, the pancake batter on her spoon flying. A tiny woman with reddish brown hair was standing by the door, a tall man behind her.

“Um, thanks?” she replied.

“All shaved up on one side, and those purple streaks. It’s badass,” she chimed. Turning to the man, she said, “I want to do something like that. Would you mind very much?”

“Not at all,” he replied, leaning in to kiss her nose. “You’ll be beautiful no matter what you do with your hair.”

Looking away as the woman gave him a mushy look, Piper told herself that she absolutely didn’t want Jax to look at her like that again. Nope. Not at all.

“Oh my goodness, I just noticed the piercings. You’re rocking that look,” the woman said, drawing Piper’s attention back to her. “You look like you’re enough to give Jax hell. That’s good. Shake him out of the shell he’s been living in.”

Clearing her throat, Piper wondered what the hell she was supposed to say to that. And what shell? Jax didn’t seem much different than he had eight years ago. More mature, and a little quieter, but that was it. Cursing as she remembered the pancakes, she whirled around and quickly flipped the one in the pan, relieved that it wasn’t burnt.

“Oh, I’m being so rude,” the woman said, moving closer. “I’m Cammie, and this is my mate, Alex.”

Pouring the last of the batter in the pan, Piper turned toward Cammie, curious. “So you’re a shifter, too?”

Cammie raised an eyebrow, looking impressed. “I knew Jax would tell you quickly. He’s not one to ease in and go slowly. So he told you everything?”

Bemused, Piper stared at her before shrugging, figuring Jax already told Cammie most of the story. “He told me last night. I mean, I knew he was something more. I’ve known for years. But he just told me about shifters and mating last night. And about not being able to protect me before, but how he can now. I’ve yet to see him fight though, so jury’s still out on that.”

“Trust me, Jax can fight. He’s a beast. Hey, there are fights being held at the Anderson ranch tonight. You should come and see for yourself.”

Nodding thoughtfully as she flipped the pancake, she replied, “Yeah, maybe I should.”

“Maybe you should what?” came Jax’s deep voice, the smoky baritone dancing up her spine.

“I told her she should come to the fights tonight,” Cammie answered.

“You should,” he told her, coming to stand by her.

Avoiding looking at him just yet, unsure of her feelings and all jumbled up inside, she removed the last pancake just as the back door opened and Ian walked in, followed by Seth. Finally turning, she looked to see everyone staring at her. Feeling self-conscious, she shifted her feet.

“What? Okay, I’ll go to the fights. I have nothing better to do tonight.”

“Good,” Jax told her softly, eyes intense.

“I looked into Scott,” Alex said, speaking for the first time as he glanced between her and Ian.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Jax stiffen. “You had him looked into? He’s that much of a threat?”

Shaking her head, she followed the others to the large table, taking a seat. “It was Ian’s idea. I don’t really think he’d do anything, but I thought it couldn’t hurt.”

Watching as he scowled, he took a seat and nodded at Alex. “Let’s hear it.”

“Well, he’s been pretty busy the last few years. He got married a few months ago,” Alex said with a swift glance at Piper.

Rolling her eyes, she said, “Good for him. I feel really sorry for the unlucky lady, though.”