“No!” Piper said loudly. Glancing around, she lowered her voice and forced herself to speak calmly. “No, we’re not. I’m through with men, and even if I wanted to change my mind, it sure as hell wouldn’t be with Jax. That ship sailed a long time ago.”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” Kelly said, voice brimming with disappointment. “I mean, if y’all got back together, you’d probably move back home. I’d love to have my best friend back. If you’re not getting back together, why are you at Rocky River?”

Piper exhaled. “Jax was helping me look for Snickers when the break-in happened. He just fixed the water heater,” she said, fibbing on the timeline. “He was there when I found out. Whoever did it got in without any visible means of entry, and he thought it was a good idea if I stayed here for the night, until we could get my locks changed.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. Still, I wish you were staying there because you were starting something with him again. I’m going to miss you when you leave.”

“I’m gonna miss you too, Kel,” she replied softly.

“I’m going to get off here if you don’t need me, but if you want to talk, call me anytime. You have my number now.”

“Will do. Thanks. Bye, Kelly.”

Hanging up the phone, Piper looked around her, feeling a little lost, and hating the feeling. Standing up, she walked back through the house, stepping out on the porch and breathing in the night air.

“You okay, Piper?”

Jumping, she whirled around to find Ian sitting in a chair. “Jesus, you scared me.”

“Sorry about that. I should have made a noise or something.”

“It’s okay. I’m just a little jumpy,” she replied, blowing out a breath.

“That’s understandable, after what happened. Jax mentioned you thought your ex-husband might have something to do with it?”

“Jax is a fucking blabbermouth,” she muttered under her breath. Speaking at a normal volume, she said, “He’s the only person I can think of who would, but I’m not sure he’d really do it. He’s more of the talk big, act small, type of douchebag, unless he’s grown a big pair of balls since our divorce. I just don’t know who else it could be.”

She watched as Ian nodded thoughtfully. “It never hurts to be sure. If you want, I can have Alex look into him. He’s Cammie’s husband, and a skilled hacker. I’m sure he could track down info on whether Scott is here, or has even left Seattle at all.”

“Really? That’s a handy person to have in your corner,” she said with a laugh. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt, as long as it doesn’t get Alex in trouble.”

“Alex is too good to get caught,” he replied, laughing but also with seriousness in his voice. “Write down Scott’s full name and birthday, and I’ll get Alex on it.”

“Thanks, Ian,” she said, watching the stars in the sky. “You haven’t changed much. You’re still a really nice guy.”

“You have, though. On the outside at the very least. You seem stronger on the inside as well,” he observed.

“I had to become stronger, or life was going to chew me up and spit me out,” she replied with a wry smile. “But I firmly believe I became who I was always meant to be.”

She saw Ian nod from the corner of her eye. “I believe that.” He went silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was solemn and serious. “Jax changed, too, but I’m not always sure it was into who he was meant to be. He hurt after he ended things with you, Piper. Breaking it off wounded him to the core, soul deep, permanent scars I’m not sure he’ll ever get over. What he did was the last thing he wanted to do, and as bad as he hurt you, he hurt himself worse. Because he’s the one who did it, even though he didn’t think he had a choice.”

Mouth open, Piper was unable to form a reply as Ian stood and walked to the door. He glanced back at her one last time. “Maybe you should ask him. Ask him if breaking up was what he really wanted to do. Ask him why he did it.” Ian gave her a moment to let that sink in, and then nodded his head at the barn. “That’s our gym, where we train for fights. He’s in there now.”

Blowing out a breath, she watched Ian go back inside, shutting the door softly behind him. Casting a considering glance at the barn, she finally took a deep breath and headed that way. She wasn’t sure she wanted to ask Jax anything, but she would like to see him train. She was genuinely curious as to whether he was as good as people said.

Slowing as she got to the open barn door, she crept in, wanting to observe him without him knowing she was there. He was using the punching bag, his feet and chest bare, only wearing a pair of low-slung jogging pants. She watched as he punched and kicked, his feet rarely stilling, his body always in motion.

Shifting on her feet, her mouth dried as she watched him. He wasn’t wearing his ballcap and she could see his black hair fully for the first time, the short strands gleaming in the light. He seemed even bigger without his shirt on, bulky, his muscles bunching as he moved around, and rivulets of sweat were dripping down his muscular chest.

He turned slightly, and she saw a tattoo stretching the width of his shoulders, but she was too far away to see what it was. Clenching her thighs together as she watched the delicious display of muscles in his back play under his skin with his movements, she ordered herself to look away, but her eyes remained glued to him. A shiver of heat danced up her spine as her core tightened, and she closed her eyes at the wash of desire that very nearly knocked her over.

She shouldn’t feel anything for this man, not even desire, but she couldn’t help it. And she felt it more strongly than she ever had as a teenager. She had a woman’s body, with a woman’s needs now, and she was drowning in her desire for him.

“Are you satisfied that I can protect you now, Piper?” he asked without turning around, making her jump as he put his hands out to halt the bag.

Not as satisfied as I could be if you’d come over here and go at me with the same intensity and focus you just went at that punching bag with.

Shaking her head, she swallowed hard and tried to find her voice. “I guess you’re decent, at least against inanimate objects. Jury’s still out on how you’d be against an opponent. And how did you know I was here?”