But either way, no matter what happened, she was okay with his decision and whatever he’d done.

Maybe if she were human, she’d feel differently. Humans had a different set of rules they lived their lives by. But in the shifter world, that was the brand of justice they delivered. And it was just that—just.

Karis and Vynn walked up to her, each hugging her in turn, saying goodbye as they put their bags in the backseat of the truck.

“Make sure your mate no longer feels guilt over this,” Vynn said quietly, gesturing to his scarred cheek. “It was my fault, not his. And I no longer blame him. I never should have. I like the scar now. It reminds me of the man I want to be—the man I’m trying to be. I talked to Luke this morning and told him that, but I know he wasn’t sure whether to believe me or not. Make sure he eventually does.”

She nodded as he patted her arm and got in the truck, her heart full. Vynn had changed so much from the bitter, almost crazed man he’d been. She knew he gave his mate, Ashley, all the credit for that, but she thought he should give himself a little more of it. He put in a lot of work to become the man he was after finding his mate.

Tears were pressing against her eyes again, and she turned her attention back to Jameson and Luke, surprised when Jameson pulled him into a quick hug.

It was one of those man hugs, where they basically bumped their chests together as they hit each other on the back—but it was a hug. And it was more than she’d hoped for—especially since her calm, laidback, always-liked-everyone brother had decided he didn’t like Luke.

In that moment, she honestly didn’t think life could get any better than that.

Jameson walked up, stopping next to her as he threw his bag in the truck. Facing her, he searched her eyes for a long moment before nodding, like whatever he’d seen pleased him.

“I’m proud of you, kid.”

And just like that, with those five words, her nose was stinging as she fought a fresh batch of tears. “I only did what anyone else would have.”

“You need to learn how to accept a compliment.” Exhaling, he lost his smirk as he glanced around them, looking at the clubhouses, the Enforcers, and finally Luke before turning back to her. “I know I haven’t acted like it since you came here, but the Enforcers are good people. I guess if you had to leave Durga, this is the place I’d want you to go to.”

She smiled at him, still trying to keep the tears at bay. “How painful was it to say that?”

He half smiled as he reached out and ruffled her hair. “Brat.”

“It looks like you made up with Luke.”

He nodded, glancing back to where her mate was talking to Liam. “It was never really him I had an issue with. It was you being in danger, and knowing you weren’t coming back to the War Cats. I’ve been thinking about this a lot since I got here. You were right—the last thing I’d want is for you to mate a War Cat. The tribe members have changed a lot, but they still aren’t men I’d pick for my only sister, since all the truly good ones are taken.

“And I like Luke. Always have. He’s a good man, and I know he’ll take care of you. If it takes you leaving Colorado and moving to Nevada to find the kind of happiness he can give you, then I’m okay with it. As long as you come visit often. I know Cady will want to see you, and little Laney is going to miss her aunt.”

She nodded her head mutely, the tears winning for a moment as her throat closed up tightly. “That works both ways, you know. Y’all can come see us, too.”

“We definitely will,” he replied with a smile. “And I can rest easier, now that I know you’re not in danger anymore. I know being mated to an Enforcer can put you in a precarious position, but I assume he’ll leave you here when he goes on missions. Your happiness and safety are my major concerns, and since those bases are covered, I’m good with this again. With Luke. I know you technically don’t need my permission, but I’m giving it anyway.”

“No, I don’t need your permission. But I want it. I love you, big brother. And your okay means the world to me.” She bit her bottom lip and nearly groaned as his eyes zeroed in on it.

Eyes narrowing, he stared at her. “I know what that means. You bite your lip when you’re nervous, thinking about something hard, or there’s something you’re not telling me. Out with it.”

“Welllll,” she drawled, her eyes darting to Luke, smiling inside when he winked at her. “See, it’s like this. I think most Enforcer mates would stay behind, but the thing is, well—Luke and I haven’t really discussed it seriously yet, so I’m not sure, but—”

“Just spill it, T.”

“I want to be an Enforcer. And Blake said there’s a spot for me if I want it. And I do. Want it, that is.”

The words came out in a jumbled rush, but she knew he caught them because his eyes widened as his face turned red. He growled low in his throat, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly but no words coming out for a long, tense moment.

“Hell fucking no, Tarun.”

She kept her voice gentle as she responded. “It’s not up to you, Jamie. And I’m good at this. My gift can help them, and you saw me fight yesterday. Plus, you know Luke and the other Enforcers wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

“Just being there on a mission puts you in danger,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

Reaching up, she put her hands on his shoulders. “Just take a few deep, even breaths. There you go. It’ll be okay, Jamie. Don’t react right now. Take some time and think on it. Just like with everything else, you’ll realize this is what works for me. It’s what I was born to do.”

He shook his head as he stared at her, his face slowly softening. “Only two women in the world can talk me down that easily, Tarun, and you’re one of them. I’ll think about it, but I can tell you now, my mind probably won’t change.”