“Amen to that.”

Tarun panted as she leaned over, her hands on her knees. Damara just put her through her paces—for four hours straight. She was freakin’ exhausted already, and she had a newfound appreciation for the warriors in her old tribe.

Old tribe. It felt weird to think like that, but that was what it was. She belonged with Luke and the Enforcers. She and Luke hadn’t had that discussion yet, but she knew what being an Enforcer meant to him. She’d never make him give it up for her.

Besides, she found it kind of exciting. Her mate would probably have a coronary if he heard her say that, but it was true.

The main reason she agreed to train was because she wanted to be able to protect him better.

But part of it was because she’d like to join them one day—although she wouldn’t bring that up around her mate until the current danger was finished. She didn’t want to give him a heart attack.

He said the main requirement was a shifter’s gift, and while hers wasn’t anything amazingly special, she thought it could still benefit them. And if she had the fight training already under her belt, convincing Blake to take her might be easier.

She didn’t want to just be an Enforcer’s mate. She wanted to be one herself, and she was determined to make it happen. Which was why, as grateful as her tired body was when Damara called a halt to training, she had to bite back the instinct to protest.

It would all come in time. At least, that was what she told herself as she trudged inside.

Luke gave her a quick kiss, leaving her to go upstairs on her own as he went to help with the cleanup. The fight had done a number on the bar, but it was nothing they couldn’t fix. It was just a good thing it’d been closed the night before. A bunch of men turning into giant animals would have done major damage to the human patrons—mentally and probably physically.

Reaching the suite, she walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower before disrobing. She studied the discoloration on her ribs, thankful it was quickly fading. Luke hadn’t realized she’d been hurt other than her shoulder, and she was glad. Despite not wanting to hide things from him, she knew that was best kept to herself.

They hadn’t made love the night before, something she never imagined being grateful for. She loved the things he did to her in bed. But she wouldn’t have been able to hide her bruised ribs, and she had no doubt that the shit would have hit the fan if he’d seen them as they looked then.

Turning away, she got in the shower and quickly soaped up, wanting to get downstairs and help the Enforcers get the bar cleaned up. As she washed her hair, she wondered over the fact that she felt so much for Luke, so strongly, so quickly.

Maybe if she was a human, it would freak her out or scare her, and maybe she’d even try to deny it. But she was a shifter, and she’d grown up with the knowledge of mates, and how amazing it was between them if they were lucky enough to find one.

She felt incredibly blessed to have one, and that he was Luke was just icing on the cake. And the fact that they loved each other—that was huge. Being mated wasn’t a guarantee of love, yet they’d found it with each other, and so quickly.

If someone would just quit trying to kill Luke, her life would basically be perfect.

There wasn’t much she’d miss about Durga. She had a few friends she’d miss, and she’d definitely miss her brother. But he had his own family now, and although she’d miss Cady and their cub, Laney, it was time for her to start her own family.

She wasn’t sure how beginning a family would fit in with being an Enforcer, but she’d be okay with waiting. As long as she had Luke, and as long as it happened for them one day, she was content. But she thought it was probably a conversation she needed to have with Luke, along with everything else they’d yet to talk about.

But like she told him, she wasn’t in a big hurry. The important things—like being mates and loving each other—were decided. Everything else could wait.

Stepping out of the shower, she quickly dried off and dressed before throwing her hair into a bun, the strands still wet. She left the room, intent on heading downstairs, but hesitated as she walked passed Georgie’s room.

She hadn’t spoken to her at all today. Actually, Georgie hadn’t come out of her room, now that she thought about it. Feeling a little guilty for not noticing sooner, she turned and knocked on the door. Georgie had to be feeling all sort of off balance.

After all, the other woman hadn’t known about shifters until the other night, and she wasn’t all too fond of the fact that they existed—and there’d been a shifter battle in the bar right underneath her room. She had to be upset, or maybe even feel like she was losing her mind a little.

She didn’t answer the door and Tarun frowned as she knocked again. “Georgie? It’s Tarun. Can you open up?”

Nothing but silence. The door didn’t open, and Tarun’s frown deepened as she listened with her enhanced shifter hearing and still didn’t hear anything. No footsteps, no rustling, not even the sound of breathing.

Taking a chance, she grasped the doorknob and opened the door. She’d rather risk Georgie’s wrath than run the risk that something was wrong.

But the room was empty. Completely so, she saw as she walked inside. Frowning, she walked back into the hallway. Maybe she’d finally ventured downstairs while Tarun was in the shower. Yeah, that was likely. Georgie had been shaken up about the existence of shifters, but she wasn’t one to let things get to her easily. Tarun hadn’t known her long, but she already sensed that about her.

Rushing a little, she went down the stairs and entered the bar, looking around. It looked much better than it had that morning—she saw that right off. There was still a lot to do, but it was mostly putting stuff where it belonged and replacing some tables that were damaged in the fight.

What she didn’t see, though, was Georgie.

Spotting Damara, she headed in her direction. The men had all seemed to make Georgie nervous once she learned about shifters, but she’d been pretty relaxed with Damara. Luke caught Tarun’s eye and she waved, but she didn’t slow until she’d reached the pretty griffin’s side.

“Hey, have you seen Georgie lately?”