“We are.”

“Then tell me what the fuck you’re thinking by letting her stay there? You’re not stupid. You know she’s in danger. Make her come home.”

Shooting her a look, Luke pinched the bridge of his nose, turning away slightly. “You think I haven’t begged her to go home? I don’t want her in danger any more than you do, but she refuses to leave.”

“So you make her! What’s so hard about that?”

“Are you kidding me? Have you met your sister? I did try to get her to go home, but she won’t listen. And if you think you could make her leave, why don’t you try?”

“I don’t fucking like this.”

“I don’t either, Jameson, but I can’t make her leave. And you must know the Enforcers will protect her. More than that, I’ll protect her. With my life.”

She heard Jameson sigh over the phone, and when he spoke again, his tone was a little less heated. “She already has you wrapped around her little finger, then. Talking to you has been a waste of time. Put my sister back on.”

Luke winked at her as he handed the phone back. She put it up to her ear, but didn’t speak yet, too busy staring at his powerfully sculpted back as he walked to the basket of clean clothes and grabbed a shirt.


Pulling her gaze off her mate took effort, but she managed it. “I’m here.”

“I still don’t like this. I don’t think my opinion is going to make any difference with you, but I still need to tell you. I wish you’d come home.”

“I love you, Jamie, and your opinion means a lot to me. But you’re right, it’s not going to change my mind. You’re mated. If you were in a position where Cady was in danger and you knew your presence could mean the difference between life and death, could you walk away?”

“You know I couldn’t. I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t like it, but I understand it. Just take care of yourself, okay? I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”

“I will, I promise. Love you, big brother.”

“Love you too, sis.”

She hung up the phone, feeling like as bad as his reaction was, it could have been worse. All in all, the conversation was a win, although she was pretty peeved at Blake for snitching on her.

“You okay?” Luke asked, walking close and pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.

“I’m good. That wasn’t that bad, all things considered.”

He smiled wryly. “For you, maybe. I wouldn’t be surprised if he punched me in the face next time I saw him.”

“I wouldn’t be, either.” She laughed at the look he shot her. “Okay, let me get my shoes on and we’ll get outside. Where the hell is everything?”

He pointed to a corner and she walked over to get her sneakers and put them on. She’s noticed how big the building was when she first arrived, but what she hadn’t known was when they built it, they added a few suites on the second floor, reserved for Enforcers who mated. She was thankful they had. She didn’t mind a smaller room, but the suite they moved their things to the day before was far away from Luke’s old room, and only had a faint smell of smoke.

Plus, it had its own bathroom, which meant no more sharing with the other men. That was a huge bonus, as far as she was concerned.

After she was finished, she stood and he took her hand, leading her downstairs. They’d eaten breakfast with the others earlier, then went back to shower before meeting everyone outside. As they walked out and saw the other Enforcers standing there, she felt his hand flex around hers and realized just how nervous he was.


nbsp; Pulling him to a stop before they reached the others, she put her hand on his cheek and urged him to look at her. His eyes were still mostly light blue, but the gold of his lion was quickly taking them over.

“Hey. You’re gonna be fine. You can do this. I’m right here. Just look at me if you’re feeling unsure. You’re surrounded by all these friends who aren’t going to let you hurt anyone, and you know I won’t let you, either. Start out slow and easy and go from there. Now go on. You got this.”

He smiled, his gorgeous, dual colored eyes crinkling at the corners as he leaned in to kiss her. Pulling back, he squeezed her hands. “I fucking love you, did you know that?”

Her mouth popped open, but before she could attempt to formulate a response, he was striding away, walking quickly to the Enforcers. Knees weak, she made her way over to the bench where Georgie was sitting. Had he really just told her he loved her? And like that, of all ways?

She wanted to call him back. Wanted to bitch him out for doing it the way he had, and then tell him she loved him, too. But he was finally going to try to conquer his gift, and the last thing she wanted was to wreck his concentration.