But maybe, if she told him she knew, he’d understand why she couldn’t leave, and stop asking her to go. He’d understand that she couldn’t.

Glancing around, she took in the shifters in the room. None

of them were paying them any attention, but shifters had excellent hearing, and they could easily overhear it. Telling him in a bar full of people wasn’t exactly ideal, but it was what she had to work with.

Turning back to Luke, she took his hands in hers and held them tightly. “I can’t do that, Luke. You might not know this, but we’re mates. I just found out this morning. I wasn’t willing to leave before I knew that, and I’m not able to now. I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

He squeezed his eyes shut briefly, an expression she couldn’t identify crossing his face. It was pained and relieved at the same time, and she puzzled over it until realization dawned on her.

“You knew, didn’t you? You knew and never said a word. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” she demanded, unable to keep the frustration and accusation from her voice.

Exhaling, he cupped her cheek, making her feel things she was too upset to want to feel. “I just found out myself yesterday. I wanted to let your animal tell you before I said something. I wanted to clear up the misunderstandings between us and make it so when she did tell you, you wouldn’t fight it. If she hadn’t told you soon, I would have. But I wanted to give it time first.”

“You mean you would have told me after the threat was taken care of,” she muttered, feeling the spark of ire inside her dying out and desperately trying to fan its flame.

“I didn’t consider that at the time, but honestly, if I had, it would have been a factor. I’d be lost if something happened to you.”

Lifting her hand, she cupped his cheek, searching his gold and blue eyes. “Then you know exactly how I’d feel if I lost you. And exactly why I can’t leave now, even if I wanted to. Would you be able to leave, if the situation was reversed? We both know you couldn’t. So please, stop asking it of me.”

“Maybe you’re right. But you also know that the need to protect your mate is like a compulsion you can’t shake. I’ll never be okay with you staying, not until the threat is over.”

“I do know how that compulsion feels. Which is why, until the threat is over, I can’t leave. Especially since I know the odds of you coming out of this unscathed are better with me here.”

“I wish I didn’t understand your stance, but I do. So, as much as I don’t want to, I’ll stop asking. I just wish there were more ways I could contribute to protecting you. This has to be a shifter causing problems. If I had more control over my gift, maybe I’d feel better about you staying here. Being able to use it would mean an end to this without you or the other Enforcers getting hurt.”

Chewing on her bottom lip, she cocked her head, thinking hard. She wanted to say the other Enforcers had to have amazing gifts that could help, but she knew that wouldn’t make him feel better. He was the one the madman was going after—and since she’d be with him the majority of the time, he felt like he needed to be the one who could stop him.

She brightened as a thought occurred to her. “Practice on me.”

“What? Hell, no,” he barked with a frown. “I haven’t wanted to use my gift because I’m scared of killing someone, and you think I should practice on my mate?”

“Well, start out slowly. Don’t use a lot of power. Use a little and slowly increase it until you get the level you need.”

“My gift hurts, Tarun. Even on the lowest setting. I’m not going to practice on you. That would mean hurting you repeatedly, and I won’t do it.”

“I can handle some pain, Luke.”

“No. I appreciate the offer, I really do, but no. Would you be able to practice on me, knowing what you were doing was hurting me? Don’t expect me to be able to do that to you.”

She frowned, acknowledging his point. No, she wouldn’t be able to cause him pain, he was right about that. Shit.

“So practice on me.”

Glancing over, she spotted Noah coming to a stop next to them, and she smiled at him.

“Noah—” Luke began.

“Or me.”

“Or me.”

Eyes widening, she felt her heart warm as, one by one, every Enforcer offered to let Luke practice on them. Even Damara offered, ignoring the glare her brother leveled on her.

When she looked back at Luke, his eyes were full of emotion and gratitude. She was so damn grateful he had amazing people like that in his corner. People who were ready and willing to put themselves through pain, just to help him improve his gift.


“Don’t fucking argue,” Liam growled, his voice thick with an Irish accent, before turning to stomp away. “Just agree and let’s get on with it.”