“I’m under orders to give you a chance, so I don’t really have much of a choice.”

His brow twitched, like he didn’t care for her wording. She was ready to tell him to piss off when he protested it, only he never did. Holding a hand out, he gestured toward the back door. “Let’s sit on the back porch. It’s too loud in the bar, and I’m pretty sure you won’t want to go upstairs with me.”

“That’s for damn sure,” she muttered as she ignored his hand and brushed past him, walking outside.

The sun was setting, bathing everything in a red glow. It was beautiful, but there was a slight chill in the air. It was technically still winter, but although it didn’t get cold there like it did in Colorado, the air still had a bite to it once the sun began leaving the sky.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she walked to the rail and stared out at the scenery. “So say whatever it is you wanted to say. But if you want to tell me, yet again, that you choose Georgie over me, let me tell you right now that I don’t want to hear it, and I’ll probably knee you in the nuts if you say it.”

Silence stretched out between them and then his footsteps stomped toward her. She shot a glance at him, surprised to find him scowling at her. Was he that threatened by a woman promising to knee him in the groin?

“The fuck are you talking about, Tarun? I never chose Georgie over you.”

Spinning toward him, she arched an eyebrow. “What, are we lying about shit now? Look, if you’re just trying to save your skin where Jameson’s concerned, you can save both of us the bother. I won’t tell him anything about the shit you pulled.”

“I don’t give a shit about your brother right now. Where the hell did you get the idea that I don’t want you, let alone that I do want Georgie?”

Brow twitching, she studied his eyes, wondering why it felt like he was being honest right now, when she knew he wasn’t. “Because you said so. You said the kiss meant nothing to you, and then you again ordered me to go home. Making sure to rub salt in the wound by letting me know the only reason you were worried for my safety is because of Jamie. On top of all of that, you ordered me home, yet invited Georgie to move in. And you’re going to pretend like I just imagined all that happened?”

“What are you talking about? I never said our kiss meant nothing to me. At least, I didn’t mean it the way you took it. You were using the kiss to argue for staying here, and I said the kiss means nothing if something happens to you. Meaning the kiss isn’t as important as your safety.” Pausing, he stepped closer as he searched her eyes. “Tarun, that kiss meant the world to me. It was the best kiss of my life, and I want a million more kisses just like that. But I’ll never get a repeat if you don’t stay safe.”

She swallowed hard as the truth in his voice washed over her. “You should have said it like that.”

Head dipping in acknowledgment, he reached out and took her hands in his. “You’re right. I should have, and that misunderstanding is on me.”

“And the part about Jamie?” she whispered, unable to find her voice as her body reacted to his touch.

“Something else I must not have explained right. Yes, Jameson would kill me if something happened to you, but he’s only a small reason I can’t lose you. Already, you mean too much to me, Tarun. It would kill me if you were hurt, or God forbid, worse. I’m a selfish bastard. I want you around for a very long time—not for your brother, but for me.”

The truth in his voice was washing over her in waves. He wasn’t lying to her. He was being completely honest, and it just so happened that that honesty was exactly what she needed to hear.

But she still had reservations.

Clearing her throat, she forced herself to say the name she was quickly becoming to hate. “And Georgie?”

“I know that looks bad. But it’s honestly like I said last night. You’re safer if you leave, and she’s safer if she stays. Believe me, I wish it was the opposite. I want you, not her. I’ve never wanted her.” Letting go of one of her hands, he raised his and skimmed his knuckles down her cheek before cupping it. “But despite it being safer if you left, I think I’m past the point of wanting you to. I need you here with me. This past twenty-four hours without you has proven to me just how much.”

Her heart felt like it was melting, but she resisted the urge to give in. There were still things that confused her, things she needed answers to.

“What about her calling you sweetie? And you spent the night with her last night. I know. I heard Blake ask for a tray with y’all’s breakfasts to take to her room this morning. You make it sound like you don’t want her like that, but there are signs pointing to it being the other way around.”

Luke closed his eyes, tempted to curse under his breath. He hadn’t thought explaining would be easy. And despite it going well so far, there was still potential for him to royally fuck it up. He just hoped she’d continue to be understanding.

“I told you I don’t like her, but I think you’ve worked out that she has a thing for me. I’m pretty sure she only called me that because I was talking to you. She wanted to get to you, to make you think there was something going on that isn’t.

“As for being in her room, well—I feel responsible for her being hurt. I feel guilty as fuck. She knew I was, I think, and she was taking advantage of it. She kept saying she was scared and only I could keep her fear at bay. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t being totally honest, but I felt compelled to stay, because it’s my fault she got hurt. I swear, nothing happened. I stayed in the chair on the other side of the room the whole time. I finally escaped around noon. But I need you to know I won’t be going back in there. If she needs someone to stay with her, it’s gonna have to be someone else. I already told Blake I wasn’t going back into her room, for any reason.”

She was quiet for a moment, searching his eyes, and he held his breath, praying she’d hear the truth in his voice and accept it. “I don’t think I’m ever going to be okay with her. I believe what you’re saying. But I’ve seen how much she wants you and I know she won’t stop throwing herself at you. I’m never going to be comfortable with that.”

Relief washed over him that she believed him, but… “I don’t know what to do here, Tarun. She won’t be staying at B&B forever—just until we get this threat resolved. But she works here, and until she gives us a valid reason to let her go, or she leaves on her own… she’ll still be around, even once the threat is over.”

Blowing out a breath, she glanced over at where the sun was sinking below the horizon, chewing on her lower lip. He desperately wanted to take over and do that for her, but they hadn’t finished resolving the issues standing between them.

“I think I can handle that. You’ve explained everything, and I get it now. Maybe you didn’t explain some things well in the moment, but I think I was insecure, so I was quick to jump to conclusions. I trust that you won’t give in when she comes on to you again. I still won’t ever be okay with her, but I can handle it better now.”

Fuck if his knees didn’t go weak at her words, his lion purring in his chest. Shit. He’d been scared she’d draw the line at Georgie being anywhere around. He knew a lot of women would. He didn’t necessarily want the waitress around, either, but he couldn’t just fire her for nothing.

If she was a deal breaker for his mate, though, he would have found someway around it. Even if it meant leaving the Enforcers. It was something he’d thought about before, because of his gift, but he hadn’t been ready to do it.