Another email pinged into his inbox just as Hannah knocked on his door. Knowing that his EA would be harder to ignore, he turned towards the door, his jaw clenching when instead of Hannah standing in his doorway it was Milena in a bright pink coat, her hair cut into an edgy long bob.

He’d successfully dodged his family prior to Jag flying Regan and his precious daughter, Princess Jana, home by explaining that he was coming down with something and hadn’t wanted to infect the baby. Which had been true. He’d felt like death warmed up for the past eight days. But now his sister had caught up with him.

‘I thought you had left for New York,’ he said pleasantly, deciding that

heading her off at the pass was his best game opener.

‘I had some things to finish up in Oxford before I left.’ She strolled closer and flopped down in the chair opposite his desk. ‘Then Hannah staged an intervention so here I am.’

Rafe frowned. ‘Hannah did what?’

‘Staged an intervention.’ Milena’s eyes moved over his face with deliberate slowness. ‘I have to confess I can see why she did. You look awful.’

‘I haven’t shaved for—’ he couldn’t remember ‘—a few days. That hardly constitutes awful.’

‘You haven’t slept for a few days either, if the circles beneath your eyes are anything to go by.’

‘Forgot to moisturise.’

‘Ha! What’s up?’ Her voice went soft, her gaze following suit. Rafe ground his teeth together.

‘Work,’ he intoned. ‘Now, is there any other reason for your visit?’

‘How’s Alexa?’

She reached for the glass paperweight on his desk and started fiddling with it.

His eyes narrowed at her innocuous tone. ‘Is this one of your trick questions?’

He hadn’t spoken to Alexa since she’d walked out of his life and he couldn’t be sure if Milena knew that or not.

‘No, this is me trying to ease into the conversation without getting my head bitten off.’ She gave a sigh. ‘I know Alexa is back in Berenia. Jag told me.’

‘Did he also tell you why?’

‘He told me that your marriage wasn’t all that it seemed, if that’s what you mean.’

Rafe gave a harsh bark of laughter. ‘Always the diplomat, our brother.’ He ran a hand through his hair. ‘Look, he’s right. Alexa and I married for political reasons and, according to recent reports, it seems to be working. I’m considering it my good deed for Santara.’

‘Sorry, I’m not buying it,’ Milena said bluntly. ‘I know you, Rafe. You didn’t just marry her for political reasons. It was real. I was there. I saw you both say your vows to each other. I saw you kiss her at the altar.’

The last thing he wanted was to remember kissing Alexa and he turned back to his computer. ‘It’s done, Milena. In three thousand, four hundred and thirty-two hours we’ll be divorced.’

‘Oh, Rafe.’

Pushing out of his chair in frustration, Rafe glared at his sympathetic sister before stalking to the window. He angled himself against the window, wishing he was standing out there so that the icy blasts could numb the sudden pain in his chest.

‘You really, really love her, don’t you?’ Milena prodded gently.

‘If this is love you can have it,’ he growled. ‘Next time I accuse you of the same thing you can throw this back in my face.’

‘I don’t want to throw this back in your face. I want to help you fix it. But I think you’re afraid.’

‘Really?’ He didn’t try to keep the sneer from his voice. ‘First Alexa, and now you. What exactly do you think I’m afraid of?’

‘Feeling. Love.’

Rafe scoffed. ‘Love doesn’t exist.’ Even if for a brief moment he had thought he’d felt it for Alexa. ‘And if you go around thinking it does you’ll experience a world of pain.’