‘Why didn’t you wake me before you got up?’ he murmured, his hot breath making her melt.

‘I didn’t want to disturb you,’ she said. Nor had she wanted him to spot the panic that had galvanised her out of his arms.

His lips grazed her ear and he gave it a light nip. ‘Next time you wake me, okay?’

‘But you were sleeping so peacefully.’

‘Wake me so I can kiss you good morning.’

Cupping her jaw, he turned her face so that he could demonstrate and Alexa sighed as she leant into him, a sharp pang darting through her as she wondered if he always insisted on morning kisses from his women.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he reached around her to change the coffee settings before pressing Start.

‘Does this mean you haven’t had coffee all week?’ he asked, grinning down at her.

‘No, it means your very helpful concierge has brought me one from the café next door every morning.’

He turned her in his arms and linked his arms around her lower back. ‘Now you have me.’

The tender words made Alexa’s heart beat faster. If she could stop time this second she would, with his strong arms enfolding her body and his hot gaze pinned to hers.

The tone signalled that her coffee was ready, and severed the connection between them. Alexa rubbed her hands over her arms and gripped the mug he handed her in both hands, inhaling the heavenly aroma with a sigh.

Rafe’s fingers sifted through her hair, making the mass tumble down around her shoulders.

‘This should never be restrained,’ he murmured, winding it around his hand.

‘It’s not practical to wear it down.’

‘Practical is boring.’

He dropped a kiss on her mouth before stepping back to grab his own coffee. Alexa watched the play of muscles over his back from beneath the sweep of her lashes, heat curling through her.

When he turned back and saw her a pulse of raw sexual energy arced between them. Watching his eyes darken, a thrill of excitement wound through her right before her stomach announced that it was empty, the loud rumble echoing off the polished angles of the cabinets.

Mortified, she clamped her hand over the offending area and gave him a startled look.

Rafe laughed. ‘Aren’t princesses allowed to make bodily noises?’

‘Not in company.’

‘Company?’ His eyes narrowed. ‘I’m not company.’ He dropped his empty espresso cup in the sink and leant back against it, reaching for her and tugging her between his splayed legs. ‘I’m your husband.’ He massaged the nape of her neck and she moaned as she leant into his touch. ‘And your lover. I get special privileges.’

She knew she liked the sound of his words more than was good for her but for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. Being with a man like this was new and intoxicating, and somehow being with this man quadrupled the sensation.

‘Like hearing my stomach growl?’ she said dubiously.

‘Like taking you out for breakfast. In fact, let’s make it the whole day. We can start with this great place I know that does a mean English breakfast, and play tourist for the day. Go to those places you didn’t get to during the week.’

‘Really?’ Her eyes sparkled like a child standing in front of Harrods’ window display at Christmas. Then she remembered that she’d promised to email HR with the report she’d been working on the last few days. ‘I would love that but I can’t. I have work to finish up.’

‘No, you don’t. Not only do you need to rest, but it’s Saturday.’

‘Oh, so it is.’ She grinned at him. ‘I’ve lost track of time, and I never lose track of time.’

‘You work too hard. And while I respect your dedication, you also need to know when to take time out for yourself.’

‘And you’re going to tell me that now is that time?’ Not waiting for his reply and having thrown caution to the wind once already, she decided that she might as well go all-out. ‘Okay, fine. The report I have to finish up isn’t all that urgent and this...’ she opened her eyes wide ‘...being here with you, is a rare treat. Will we go there on your bike?’