She took it begrudgingly. ‘And snacks. Anyone want one?’

Remembering how much fun he’d had feeding Alexa chocolates they’d bought that day at the market, his eyes cut to hers. As if her mind had deviated down the same path, her eyes turned smoky.

Breathing hard, he deliberately turned to his sister before he pulled Alexa into an unlocked supply closet and rid himself of all this tension with something stronger than coffee.

When he glanced back, Alexa had her bottom lip between her teeth and was staring at the floor. Before he could go to her a nurse pushed through the glass door.

Rafe’s heart rose to his mouth.

The nurse smiled. ‘It’s a girl,’ she said. ‘And mother and baby are both healthy and doing well.’

A noisy breath shuddered out of his lungs. His sister whooped with joy and Alexa had a hand on her heart.

‘Can we see them?’

‘Of course. Her Majesty asked for all of you to come through.’

Almost dazed at the notion that he was an uncle, Rafe followed his sister and wife into the delivery suite.

The room was quiet as they entered, Regan reclining in the bed while Jag held a small bundle wrapped in white. For a woman who had just given birth, Regan looked awfully good. Not that Rafe had ever seen a woman straight after giving birth before.

‘Oh, my... She’s adorable,’ Milena cooed. ‘Congratulations.’

Grinning from ear to ear, Jag handed the precious bundle to his sister.

‘I’m so grateful, Rafe,’ Regan said, her brown eyes tired but filled with joy. ‘Your brother completely lost it in my hour of need. If you hadn’t stepped up I probably would have given birth on the dessert trolley.’

Jag scoffed at the very idea and Rafe turned away from the loved-up couple—only to freeze when he saw Alexa.

At some point Milena had passed

the newborn over to her and she had his niece cradled against her chest, an adoring expression on her face.

A tight fist wrapped around his heart and squeezed. For a moment he couldn’t breathe. Her long hair had drifted over one shoulder, glossy and black, her face a mask of serenity. It was like the time he’d first set eyes on her, another bolt of lightning hitting him square between the eyes, followed quickly by the sure knowledge that he could look at this woman for the rest of his life and never grow tired of it.

‘Do you want to hold her?’

Somehow, Alexa was in front of him. Rafe frowned. For the rest of his life?

He saw her eyes widen. ‘You’ve gone pale. If you don’t want to...’

‘No.’ He kept his gaze on the baby in her arms. ‘I’ll hold her.’

As if he was standing on the outside looking in, he took the baby and cradled her in his arms. She was so tiny. So dainty. This perfect little being that was both vulnerable and needy. Taking in the glow on both her parents’ faces, he knew that she would always be loved. She’d never have cause to feel insecure or abandoned by those she needed the most.

What would it be like if this was his child? His and Alexa’s?

Emotion, thick and unwelcome, clogged his throat. Those feelings he’d had for her earlier increased tenfold. Feelings he’d never had for a woman before. Previously, his life had always seemed so clear-cut. One thing had led on to another and he’d never questioned it. He’d just gone with it and cared little about the outcome. But he cared now, he realised. He cared very much.

* * *

Alexa had never felt more like running than she did right now. When she had passed the baby to Rafe all she’d thought about was how it would feel if that tiny angel belonged to both of them. The chilly expression on his face told her that he most definitely had not been thinking the same thing.

As a result the car ride back to the apartment had been quiet, as if they were both lost in their own thoughts. But it wasn’t a happy quiet as it should have been after the safe arrival of a baby. It was fraught with unspoken emotions. It was as if all the closeness of the past week had fallen away as if it had never existed. And perhaps it hadn’t outside her own imagination.

As soon as they arrived at the apartment Alexa didn’t wait around to see what Rafe intended to do; instead she headed for the spare room she’d been allocated and pulled her suitcase out of the walk-in wardrobe.

‘What are you doing?’