‘Come on.’ She broke the kiss and hooked her arm through his. She’d stashed some pounds in her pocket on her way out of the apartment and she wanted to spend the lot.

Wandering past various vendors, Alexa soaked up the Reggae music and the delightful fragrance of the multicultural food on offer, stopping first to buy some exquisite chocolates and then to stand behind a crowd of onlookers to watch a curly-haired Australian juggler ply his trade.

Later, pleasantly exhausted and dressed in one of Rafe’s shirts and a thick pair of socks, Alexa wandered into the kitchen to find Rafe putting the finishing touches to their evening meal.

‘He cooks, he rides a motorbike and runs a multinational corporation.’ She took a glass of Sauterne he held out for her. ‘Is there anything you can’t do?’

‘Concentrate for any length of time when you’re in the room.’

‘I can live with that.’ Alexa laughed because she was meant to, but a pang of longing she didn’t expect to feel pierced her heart.

Careful, she warned herself. You only have seven days left.

‘So what are we having?’

‘Steak with pepper sauce, potatoes and salad.’

‘Wow, now I’m even more impressed.’

* * *

Rafe smiled across the bench at Alexa, unsure if he’d ever enjoyed a woman’s company as much as he was enjoying hers. She was bright, funny, beautiful... His eyes took in her clean face and laughing eyes. He liked being with her like this, relaxed, natural, just the two of them without any outside interruptions. And as much as he enjoyed making love with her, having her in his space filled him with a sense of wellbeing he would be hard pressed to explain. Maybe it was knowing that he could take her to bed any time he wanted. Because he did want to. All the time.

‘I know that look,’ she said huskily, her eyes growing heavy.

‘You should.’ Rafe told himself to pull it together before she accused him of having a one-track mind.

‘So how is it you can cook?’ she asked, reaching for a carrot stick.

Glad to be focusing on something else other than the way he was feeling, Rafe sliced vegetables and answered her question. ‘When I moved to Cambridge I shared a house with a few other guys who could barely reheat beans. Since I had developed a penchant for fine dining, thanks to the palace chef, it was either learn to cook or starve.’

‘I’m sure your brother would have provided a chef if you’d asked.’

‘He would have, but I was determined to make my own way. Which I did. Partying, drinking, studying...playing darts. You do realise that your lover is a Cambridge darts champion?’

‘Darts?’ Alexa grinned. ‘Be still my beating heart.’

Rafe arched a brow. ‘Some respect, please. It’s more difficult than it looks.’

Alexa grinned and sipped her wine. ‘It sounds like fun. By contrast, I had private tutors and then I studied at Berenia University, surrounded by security.’

He looked up from chopping herbs for the vinaigrette. ‘No partying for the future Queen?’

‘No.’ She gave a wistful sigh. ‘I was accepted into an American university, actually. Sol helped me apply and then, when I got in, he managed to convince my father to let me study abroad, but then I made the mistake with...’

Rafe stopped chopping, noting the way the smile had died on her face. ‘The Italian with the arms?’ he prompted softly.

‘Yes. Him. My father decided that I was too young. Too vulnerable to be that far away from ho

me. He was probably right.’

‘He wasn’t right, Princess, and you need to stop feeling guilty about it. What happened wasn’t your fault. You’re entitled to make mistakes, and you have to live your life.’

‘Yes, but I should have known better. I should have been prepared.’

Hearing the subtle anguish in her voice, Rafe reached over and took her chin gently in his hand. ‘How could you? You were seventeen years old. I bet your father kept you under a tight leash when you were young—there, I see I’m right—so what previous experiences could you have had to prepare you for being conned by a man like that?’

She looked at him for so long he wondered if he had offended her when her lips twisted into a faint smile. ‘Do you know, when I was in my teens I used to be a champion horsewoman and I always trusted my judgement. Then Stefano happened and bam—it’s like I’ve second-guessed myself ever since. I’ve blamed myself for what happened for so long. Trying to be good and to do the right thing...’ Her smile hit him like a sunbeam. ‘Why did I never look at it the way you just did?’