Her green eyes grew thoughtful. ‘How do you know you won’t fall in love with them?’

‘Because I don’t need love. And I make sure to never confuse emotion with sex.’

She paused as if that information required some effort to digest. ‘I need to be more like that. But at least Stefano taught me what to look out for when it comes to choosing a life partner. Or what not to look out for.’

‘What he should have taught you was how good it can be between a man and a woman in bed.’

He saw her throat constrict at his words and suddenly his hands itched to touch her. That Italian idiot might not have been able to show her a good time, but now Rafe couldn’t stop thinking about how much he wanted to replace her bad memories with good ones that he’d personally created.

Needing to stop himself from reaching for her and doing something he’d later regret, he pushed away from the desk.

‘We should go to bed.’

Alexa blinked at him, her eyes as wide as a baby owl’s. ‘Together?’

The muscle in his jaw clenched tight as his brain easily conjured up an image of her naked on his sheets. Before he could figure out how to respond to that, a streak of hot, mortified colour scored along her cheekbones. ‘Forget I said that. I’m clearly more tired than I thought.’

Wanting to defuse the situation, Rafe nodded. ‘I get it. My club is opening tomorrow night and I could use a few hours myself.’

‘Right.’ She blinked up at him from beneath long silky lashes. ‘About that. Am I still banned from your club?’

‘Yes.’ No way did he want her at one of his clubs, distracting him constantly.

‘Won’t that look strange?’ she persisted. ‘As your wife I would be expected to go to support you.’

‘I don’t need support.’

‘Everyone needs support. But, regardless, the media will expect to see me there. I take it you are having a media presence.’

‘Only for a couple of hours. No one will know you’re not there.’

She mulled that over and then tilted her chin up at a belligerent angle.

‘I’d like to go.’

Not wanting to get into a debate with her when his brain and body were mutually stuck on images of her naked and wanting, Rafe sighed. ‘Alexa—’

‘You’ve just told me I should stand up for myself more. Not to take no for an answer.’

‘I believe I said you should start saying no more often.’

‘Something you’re really good at. But it amounts to the same thing. Taking charge of my needs. And I’d like to see your club. So I’m taking charge.’

Rafe ran a hand through his hair, a frustrated growl leaving his throat. ‘I didn’t mean for you to start “taking charge” with me.’

Her sudden smile made his heart kick against his ribs.

‘For some reason I feel safe with you.’

‘The last thing I am is safe.’ Especially with the visions currently going through his head. When she didn’t respond, or back down as he’d hoped, he shook his head. ‘Fine. I’ll arrange a car to pick you up at ten.’

‘Ten? Isn’t that a bit late?’

‘That’s early by London standards. Nothing happens before then.’

‘Ten. Okay, got it.’ Her eyes sparkled like clean-cut emeralds, her happiness making his heartbeat quicken.

‘If you need anything before then, or change your mind, I’ll have Hannah on standby to help out.’