But it wasn’t just the chemistry that had kept him awake. It was the puzzle she represented. She’d gone up like a flame in his arms but then claimed that she didn’t have a passionate nature, dismissing the desire between them as an anomaly. And what about her belief that love might not exist? Presumably something, or someone, had put that in her head and he’d like to know who or what. Not that he disagreed with her. He didn’t. He didn’t believe in love either, but something about the way she’d said it made him think that she was either lying to him, or lying to herself. And yet she’d seemed so honest...so sincere...

Scowling at the procession of questions that wouldn’t say die, Rafe grabbed his phone. Time to push Princess Alexa from his mind and think about something else. Because thinking about her made no sense. She wasn’t someone he planned to pursue—not with marriage on her mind—and added to that she was his brother’s ex, for God’s sake.

Assailed by a sudden wave of jealousy he’d never before felt for his brother, Rafe nearly put a hole in his pocket shoving his phone into it. He didn’t share his women. Ever.

And since when is a woman yours after one kiss?

Leaving that ridiculous question unanswered, he slammed out of his room and made his way to breakfast. He needed coffee before his mood deteriorated any further.

Refusing to wonder if he’d meet up with the beguiling Alexa, he heard a message arrive on his phone and homed in on it like a drowning man reaching for a life vest. Unfortunately, it was only a stock commodity update and he was in the process of closing it when he nearly barrelled into Jag as he rounded the corner of his private hallway.

Instantly alerted by his brother’s taut, exhausted expression, Rafe frowned. ‘What is it? Is there something wrong with Regan?’

Rafe might not have much to do with his brother any more but he could still read him and he couldn’t think of anything else that might put that ragged look on his brother’s face other than his wife, or all-out war.

‘No, Regan’s fine. I’ve just come from a meeting with King Ronan and Princess Alexa.’

Rafe felt himself instantly tense. ‘They haven’t declared war, have they?’

‘Not yet.’ Jag’s scowl deepened. ‘But last night a firebomb was thrown into a building site near the border in a show of protest at King Ronan and Princess Alexa attending the charity ball last night. Two of our workers were injured.’

‘That’s insane,’ Rafe growled. ‘Why did the King even attend if things are that volatile?’

‘We believed it would be a display of unity between us but the Berenians didn’t take it that way. They see my slight of their Princess as the highest insult.’ He smiled faintly. ‘Sorry to burden you with my problems. It was nice seeing you mucking around with Milena. It’s a pity we don’t see each other more often. I know Regan would l

ike it if we did. I would too.’

Rafe swallowed the lump that suddenly lodged in his throat. He loved his siblings but he wasn’t like either of them; he was a loner. He didn’t require the same level of closeness, or connection, that drove others to forge unbreakable bonds. He didn’t need someone, or something, special and neither Jag nor Milena understood that about him.

‘Let’s focus on one thing at a time. What can I do to help sort out the Berenia thing?’

Alexa’s proposal of the previous night came into his head and he instantly shelved it. Marriage—or becoming engaged—was not the answer here.

‘I thought you needed to head back to London?’

‘I do. But if there’s something I can assist you with while I’m here then I will. I’m not so obtuse that I can’t see how much you have on your plate right now.’ Not that he expected that Jag would need him. Their father never had. The important issues he’d gone to Jag for counsel. Rafe had been relegated to the lesser duties of opening flower shows or attending state dinners where he was expected to be on his best behaviour to prove what a great parent and leader his father was. Rafe was pretty sure they hadn’t fooled anyone on that score.

‘I appreciate the offer but, as I said, I’ve just had a meeting with King Ronan and Princess Alexa. We’ve come up with a diplomatic response to ease the tension.’

Rafe had a feeling he wasn’t going to like the response. ‘What was decided?’

‘You really want to know?’

Yes, for once he really did.

‘Why not? I’m here and I am still a Santarian.’

‘Princess Alexa has agreed to a union with Lord Alec Richton of Urbana. I’m not sure when the wedding will take place, but the plan is for Lord Richton to fly into Berenia later in the week for a formal announcement.’

Rafe’s whole body went still. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me?’

‘No, why would I do that?’

‘Because it’s barbaric and I can’t believe you’d allow Alexa to be bandied around like a box of chocolates everyone can take a pick at.’

Jag frowned at his harsh tone. ‘That’s hardly what’s happening here.’

‘Isn’t it?’ Rafe felt unreasonably livid. ‘You were betrothed to her.’