Page 62 of For Duty's Sake

“She did not deny it when I confronted her and threatened to bankrupt and dismantle her personal production company if so much as a single picture from that envelope ever found its way into the press.”

“I imagine a tell-all article would have paid her well enough to tempt her regardless.”

“I was more than generous in our parting. She signed a contract stipulating absolute media silence in exchange and would have to pay back every penny I ever gave her or spent on her if she broke it.”

“So, how could she think she would get away with blackmail?”

“She didn’t.”

“It was my brother,” Elsa spoke in English, but made it clear she had enough understanding of Arabic to have followed the gist of their conversation.

“Your brother?” Angele asked in the same language, feeling shock on shock.

“He hadn’t signed anything.” Elsa shrugged. “He’s an idiot. He did not realize that the way the contract was worded that I had signed, it wouldn’t matter. I would still have to pay the price.”

“Elsa is here to pass over all the printed copies of the pictures as well as her brother’s hard drive and backup thumb drive.”

“He could still have other copies.”

“He doesn’t,” Elsa said.

“I’m supposed to take your word for it?” Angele asked, maintaining a tone of slightly bored interest for which she was rather proud, considering the maelstrom of emotions roiling inside her.

Elsa’s shoulders gave an elegant roll, sort of a shrug and sort of something else.

Angele’s gaze flicked to Zahir to see his reaction, but his eyes were fixed intently on her and her alone.

“Do you believe her?” Angele asked him.

“It does not matter if I do, or not.”

“Because you will not leave it to chance.”

“No. Even as we speak, he is on his way to Zohra to face blackmail charges.”

“What?” Elsa demanded a lot louder than was probably wise.

Zahir finally settled his gaze on her and Angele shivered. She wouldn’t want that look fixed on her. Ever.

“I am not convinced you were unaware of your brother’s schemes. In fact, I can almost guarantee he’s too stupid to have considered Angele the better target.”

Elsa blanched.

“If he names you as accomplice, expect extradition proceedings.”

“But you can’t do this. I brought you the pictures.”

“Thank you. They and your brother’s hard drive will be used as evidence in his trial.”

Elsa looked stunned. “But that’s not fair.”

Angele wondered at the other woman’s lack of understanding of the way that Zahir thought and the type of action that thought process would lead to.

“And you think blackmail is fair?” he asked, not sounding like he really cared if she did, or not.

“But you said you would not prosecute if I ceased and desisted.”

Had Zahir ever really fallen for that damsel in distress act? Angele could barely suppress the need to roll her eyes.