Page 42 of For Duty's Sake

“You only hear what you want to hear.”

“It is a failing.”

“But not one you are often accused of.”

“This is true.”

“Yet, you don’t deny it.”

“How can I? Clearly, in this instance, I did hear what I deemed probable and acceptable.”

“Lina walked away from the marriage arranged for her with your brother. What’s improbable about that?”

“You are not Lina.”

“No, I am not. She was raised with a much stricter sense of responsibility to her family’s position.”

“Lina was not in love with my brother.”

Angele could not argue that point. Lina and Amir had barely known each other, despite growing up in the same circles.

“I see you do not deny loving me.”

“What would be the point?”

“In the car, you intimated your feelings were not involved with your decision to marry me. It is only natural then to question if they have changed.

“My feelings for you were not a deciding factor in my decision to marry you. Our child’s future was.”

“Do you still love me?” he asked bluntly.

“Does it matter?”

“I prefer to know.”

He’d been honest with her to this point, she could offer no less. “Yes, but I consider my love a detriment to this situation, if you must know.”

“But of course it is not. Surely our life together will be eased because of it.”

“You think I’ll let you have your way because I love you?” she asked suspiciously.

“I am not that foolish, but it is my hope you will be content in our marriage because of it.”

More likely it would cause her nothing but pain, but admitting that was just one step on the open and honest communication highway, her pride wasn’t about to let her take.

The buzzer sounded and Angele gave Zahir a look meant to maim. “Two guesses who that is and the first one does not count.”

“Dinner,” he said with smug assurance.

She hoped he was right, because she was so not up to playing happy families with her parents right now. She was still annoyed with her father for not giving her a heads-up on Zahir’s plan to publicly court her. Angele had zero doubts Cemal had been in the know on that score, if not a major instigator.

And while her mother had said she’d forgiven Angele for breaking the contract, initially Lou-Belia had been hurt and very angry. They were talking again, but things were still a little stilted between them.

Zahir’s bodyguard answered the summons from the doorman and then dispatched one of the security detail to retrieve their dinner.

One brow raised, Zahir smiled.