Page 57 of For Duty's Sake

She didn’t understand. She wanted to touch him, but she wanted to do what he asked, too. The idea of giving total control over to him both alarming and very, very alluring.

“You’re kinky!” she accused with equal parts shock and desire.

“I am a man who knows what he desires.” That was so not a denial.

“You like being in control.”

“This surprises you?”

“No.” Though maybe it should. Wouldn’t a man who had to control so much, want to give a little up?

His fierce, primal expression said, not this one.

Not her sheikh.

He arranged her legs so that they were bent at the knee and spread apart in a wanton display that would have embarrassed her if she wasn’t so excited.

“Will it always be like this?” she asked breathlessly. Would he always want this extra bit of control?

He looked up from his heated perusal of her most intimate flesh. “I do not know. I have never done this before, but it is something I have long wanted.”

She moaned, the words more effective than any touch. “I’m glad this is special between us.”

“Everything we share in our marriage bed is special. No woman has ever belonged to me as you do and I have never belonged to another woman as I do to you.”

“What do you mean?” He was far from a virgin.

“You own my future.” With that he touched her sweet spot, his fingers going on to thoroughly explore every bit of intimate flesh exposed so fully to his gaze. “You are so beautiful.”

“I don’t think women are beautiful there.”

“You know this because you have looked?” he asked teasingly.

Even knowing he was teasing, she still jerked in shock. “Zahir! Of course not!” She’d never seen female parts outside of a sex education book and those were clinical diagrams.

“Then you cannot know, so I will forgive your doubt.”

She turned her face away, embarrassed and pleased and even more embarrassed because she was pleased.

“Every inch of you is beautiful, including this flesh only I and your doctor will ever see.”

That had her looking at him again. “You didn’t used to think I was beautiful.”

“You were thirteen when our contract was signed. To have looked upon you in that light would have been wrong.”

“I didn’t stay thirteen.”

“In my mind, you did.”

She almost laughed, but the seriousness in his expression could not be denied. A jolt of unexpected understanding went through her. Perhaps this, more than anything else, explained the passage of ten years since that darned contract had been signed.

She stopped wondering seconds later when his touch robbed every logical, and illogical for that matter, thought from her brain. He knew exactly how to touch her, playing with her breasts and teasing her nipples into turgid aching nubs.

But he didn’t stop there; no, he seemed to know secrets about her body that had escaped her notice. Caressing her inner thigh, that spot in the center of her back, her nape, he stimulated numerous little bundles of nerve endings she’d had no idea existed on her body. Even after that first night together.

She writhed, begging him to come inside her and finish this spiral of pleasure, but she did not let go of the headboard.

He rewarded her with his mouth. First on her breasts, then the other hot spots he’d exposed on her body and then finally on that place he said was beautiful to him.