She surfaced from her doze to a conversation between her mother-in-law and husband.

“It is obvious she needs more rest than she is getting,” Athena said with a concern Polly could not help doubting.

What was her mother-in-law up to?

“I think Anna is rather frail physically,” Athena added.

Polly frowned. She was not frail, never had been.

“She is fine. A nap does not indicate frailty,” her husband assured his mother.

“I do not know. Perhaps, and this is not something I like to talk about, but you should make sure she is getting a full night’s rest rather than keeping her up.”

Polly woke fully then, so furious she could barely breathe.

Her mother-in-law was trying to drive a wedge between Polly and Alexandros in the one area of their marriage that Polly felt confident of his full attention. The bedroom.

Polly sat up and turned so her feet were on the tile and she was facing to the two people standing near her. “Where is Helena?”

“Petros and Corrina took her inside. She wanted to watch one of her movies.”

Polly knew exactly which one. Helena found the animated story about the Scottish princess who fought for the right to make her own choices obsessively fascinating. Honestly, Polly loved the movie too and didn’t care that it

wasn’t one of the most recent children’s offerings.

However, right now she wasn’t thinking about princesses. She had her own wicked witch to deal with.


“Yes, yineka mou?” He put his hand out to help her up.

She let him lift her, though standing in her flat sandals did not put her anywhere near eye to eye with her six-foot-four-inch husband.

Tilting her head back, she gave him a gimlet stare. “I know that there have been many times you’ve taken your mother’s opinion of what I need over mine.”

He inclined his head, his handsome mouth firming into a line.

“If you do that in this instance, I will not be responsible for my actions,” she warned him.

“This instance?” he asked, while his mother gasped in clear outrage.

“The sex thing. You will not stop having sex with me on her say-so. Do you understand me?” Even her doctor had offered that as long as it was comfortable for Polly, sex was fine.

His eyes widened in obvious shock that she would approach the topic so bluntly.

His mother was saying something about not needing to talk about something that intimate in mixed company.

Polly glared at her mother-in-law, for once doing nothing to hide her anger with the older woman. “Then perhaps you should not have brought it up to my husband. Something that is so very much not any of your business.”

“I was only trying to look out for your well-being,” Athena claimed.

“No, you were trying to drive another wedge between your son and his wife, and I warn you, I have tolerated your interference for the last time in my marriage.” Where the words came from, Polly didn’t know.

But she meant them. And the look she gave her husband said it wasn’t just his warnings that people had better take heed to.

Yes, she’d stopped and eavesdropped outside the drawing room while texting Hero to please bring Helena downstairs.

Athena did a very good impression of a woman mortally offended. “How can you speak to me like that?”