Paige opted to ignore their previous discussion and focused on her food instead. Under the lid was a beautifully arranged platter with at least five or six types of cheeses, an assortment of crackers, strawberries, grapes, pineapple and apple slices. It was just what she’d been wanting.

“Would you like to eat on the balcony?” Mano asked.

“Actually, if it’s okay, I’d be happy just to take it to bed. I eat in bed a lot at home.”

“Not a problem.”

Paige gathered up her tray and carried it into the bedroom. She placed it on the foot of the bed, moving her drink and her milkshake to the nightstand. She stacked the pillows high behind her and curled up in the blankets. Mano joined her, snuggling to her side and thankfully not bringing up their earlier discussion.

They chatted about harmless things and nibbled on the food. Paige fed Mano grapes and even shared her milkshake with him. It was an easy, fun moment together in the middle of the night. She hadn’t had many experiences where sex was followed by conversation and cuddling. It was nice. Being with Mano was nice.

But when the food was gone and they’d opted to go back to sleep, Paige couldn’t turn her brain off. Thoughts swirled through her mind faster than she could process them. She lay there amongst the pillows with Mano snoring softly next to her. It felt amazing to be here beside him. Wonderful. She enjoyed spending time with him more than she ever expected to.

And maybe that was the problem she had with his offer. He didn’t ask her to stay because he loved her. They’d only been together a few days, so she’d wonder if he was insane if he did. He didn’t ask her to move here because he wanted to be with her for more than just a week. That might even be different enough for her to consider it. Instead, he was just trying to solve her problems and help her take care of her baby, which was noble, but it wasn’t what she wanted from him.

Raising her baby alone would be hard. There would be long hours with day care or a sitter when she worked nights. There would be miserable sleepless days where they would both be cranky and exhausted. But there would also be the two of them together like peanut butter and jelly.

Paige had wondered often if she would spend most of her life alone. She’d never been in a serious enough relationship to imagine herself getting married or having children. She feared she might become one of those lonely spinsters who talked to cats. She liked cats. But she didn’t like the idea of going through her whole life on her own.

Wyatt was a first-rate jerk, but he had given her something she never expected to have. No matter what, she would have this baby and she wouldn’t be alone. It wasn’t the same as having a partner in life, but it was something. There would always be a little part of her out in the world that loved her unconditionally, gave her sweet kisses and remembered her birthday. She looked forward to handmade construction paper and crayon cards, and jewelry made of macaroni and glitter.

And maybe one day in the future, instead of cats, she would have grandchildren to love and dote on. She couldn’t ask for anything better than that.

No, as generous as Mano’s offer was, she couldn’t accept it. Paige would do this on her own.


“You work too much, Mano. I called you last night at nine thirty and it rolled over to voice mail.”

“Aloha to you, too, Kalani,” Mano responded to his brother’s phone call. As much as he’d hated to leave Paige asleep in bed, he needed to get some work done today. He’d slipped downstairs early in the hopes he could perhaps take a half day. He liked playing hooky when Paige was involved, but he did still have a hotel to oversee. “What makes you think I didn’t answer because I was working?”

“Is there another option for you?” Kal asked with a chuckle. “I mean, it’s not like you were with a woman.”

Mano grinned silently and waited for Kal to piece it together.

“You were with a woman? That’s a welcome change.”

“Shut up,” Mano chastised. He didn’t feel much like getting ragged on by his brother today, but he should’ve thought of that before he answered the phone. “It’s not as though it’s my first go out the gate. I’ve been with plenty of women.”

“Oh sure. There was that belly dancer from Qatar, what, six months ago?”

“Five.” It was just like his brother to keep track of his sex life just so he could rub it in his face.

“And the Australian opera singer? That was before Thanksgiving, I think.”

He had him there. “Probably. You know how I am. Once or twice a year, if I’m lucky, I find a lady with whom I’m interested in spending a little time. It just so happens, I’ve found one to be with this week.”

“What’s this one? A Brazilian bikini model? You seem to be trying to cover every continent.”

“You’re one to talk, Kal. I can’t help it I live in Hawaii and run a hotel. I’m surrounded by tourists. This time is no different. But no, she’s not a bikini model. She’s actually a nurse from San Diego.”

“Interesting choice. So, what drew you to this one? It couldn’t be the accent this time.”

“Actually, no. It was her scent. And her total and complete awkwardness. It was charming.”

“I have to say, I’ve never chosen a woman for being clumsy, but more power to you, man, if it gets you away from your desk for a while.”

Mano smiled. Paige had certainly done that. “I took yesterday off to spend the day with her.”