“I told you why!” He stood up from his seat and his fists pounded into the top of his oak desk to emphasize his answer. “I wanted someone in my family to know where I was, because unlike your neurotic crowd, I actually like my family. I chose Jeremy because I thought he would be the least likely to pry, but I was wrong and I ended up having to tell him. I assure you that he and I are going to have a long talk about keeping confidences.”

Amelia shook her head and planted her hands on her hips. She winced slightly and squeezed her eyes shut, not responding immediately.

“It was an accident,” Tyler continued. “I’m sorry that it got out, but we’re only a few days away from telling everyone anyway. Of course, I didn’t want my family to find out on the internet, but there’s not much we can do about it now. The sooner we stop fighting, the sooner we can start calling everyone and doing damage control.”

“And tell them what, Tyler?”

Tyler opened his mouth but paused. “What do you mean, tell them what?”

“What are we telling them? The thirty days aren’t up. We haven’t declared our undying love for one another. You haven’t proposed. None of this is wrapped up in a neat bow yet. Tell the truth, Tyler. You leaked this to your family because you were afraid you weren’t going to get your way.”

“You think I did this deliberately? To what? Blackmail you into staying with me?”

“You always get your way, no matter what. The clock will be up come Wednesday. Falling in love so quickly is nearly impossible. Were you nervous that you might not succeed this time? There’s nothing like taking out a little insurance policy to make sure you still got what you wanted.”

Somehow this whole scenario seemed to be his doing. Why? Because he didn’t want to raise his child bouncing between two homes like a Ping-Pong ball? Because he was willing to sacrifice his own personal needs to do what was best for everyone? That made him the bad guy? The big manipulator, pulling all the strings, tricking her into moving into a beautiful house and going on expensive trips. He was such a bastard.

Tyler chuckled bitterly and shook his head. He was tired of handling her with kid gloves. “And what makes you think that any of this is what I wanted?”

Amelia opened up her mouth to argue, but the sharp tone of his words silenced her. He watched as her cheeks flushed red and glassy tears rushed into her eyes. The words had been harsh, and he knew it, but he couldn’t keep them from flying from his mouth.

“You think I’m just like your father, trying to manipulate and browbeat you into getting my way. Well, guess what? This isn’t what I would’ve chosen, either. I came to Nashville to get a divorce, and instead I got a whole damn family and a life a thousand miles away from my business and my home. I’ve tried to make the best of a bad situation, but you make it really hard, Amelia. You want to talk about telling the truth? Here’s a dose of honesty for you—you’re a coward!”

“A coward?” she gasped, taking a stumbling step back as though he’d slapped her.

“Yes. You tell people you believe in love and that you want it so desperately, but you’ll use any excuse to avoid any relationship with potential. You use the guise of looking for this mythical, perfect love to reject anyone that tries to love you.”

“You don’t know anything about me and my relationships,” Amelia said through her tears.

“I know everything about you. Remember, I’m your best friend, not the latest guy you’ve tried on like a pair of shoes and cast aside when you decided they don’t fit. I know you better than you know yourself. I thought we had something good going between us. I thought that in a few days we would be telling our parents some good news. But you’re such a chicken, you’re grasping at the tiniest excuse to destroy this relationship and throw all the blame on me.”

“I am not! You broke our agreement.”


bsp; Tyler shook his head. “You’re so deep in denial, you can’t even see it. The only reason you’ve even given our relationship half a shot is because of the baby.”

“Then that makes two of us, Tyler. That’s the only reason you’re here, so don’t be so self-righteous. I—” Amelia paused, her eyes widening with fear, but they weren’t focused on him. She gasped and doubled over, clutching her lower belly. “Oh, no,” she cried.

Tyler rounded his desk and ran to her side, clasping her shoulders to offer support. “Are you okay? What is it?”

“Something’s not right. I think I’m—” she started, and then groaned. “Help me to the bathroom, will you?”

He helped Amelia to the master bathroom, waiting patiently outside the door. It wasn’t until he heard her agonized sobs that his stomach sank and he realized what was happening. She was having a miscarriage.

“Come on, we’ll get you to the hospital right now,” he shouted through the door.

“I just need to call my doctor.”

“No. We’re going to the hospital first. Let them tell us to go home.”

When she came out a moment later, her skin was as white as paper and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He could see her hands shaking as she gripped the door frame to come out. She was in no condition to be walking around. He grabbed a blanket from the bed and wrapped her in it, then swept her up off her feet. He carried her out to his car and loaded her into the passenger seat. He didn’t stop to lock the door or worry about anything other than getting Amelia to the hospital as quickly as he could. St. Thomas West wasn’t far; hopefully they could make it in time to save the baby. If they could.

Tyler’s heart was racing in his chest as he flew through the streets. This couldn’t really be happening. It just couldn’t. She’d said this baby was what was keeping them together and she was right, but only to a point. The baby wasn’t the glue that held them together, but it was the steel beam that reinforced them so that even strong winds couldn’t knock them down. It was what gave him hope that they could make it. It was what made her stay even when she had reservations.

And now, he was certain, they were losing that. What would happen to them? Would this relationship spiral out of control without the child to anchor them? Would the loss bring them closer together or rip them apart? Tyler didn’t know.

He occasionally stole a glance at Amelia as they drove. She was bent over in the seat, curled up against the door with her eyes closed. She was biting her lip, holding back tears of pain and fear. Even with the blanket, she was trembling. It broke his heart to see her that way.