Violet giggled nervously, worried Betsy would read too much into their exchange. “You’re laying it on thick tonight, Mr. Murphy. Perhaps you’d better use that charm on the potential donors instead of me. I’ve already given you money.”

“Will you excuse me?” Betsy smiled and headed off to the other side of the ballroom where something needed her attention.

Violet gave a heavy sigh of relief once she was gone, although she feared it would be short-lived. “Do you want everyone to know we’re together?” she asked.

“I’m being charming. That’s what you told me to do. I can’t help it if my words sound more sincere when I’m speaking to you. I mean every one. I also mean it when I say that I’d like the next dance with you.”

Aidan held out his hand, and Violet knew she couldn’t resist it. “Just one,” she warned.

“One is all I need.”

* * *

Aidan led Violet to the already crowded dance floor. He made his way through the couples to the center of the crowd and then turned to pull her into his arms.

She moved into him, gripping his hand and resting her other hand on his shoulder. Even then she was stiff in his arms. She seemed anxious, although he wasn’t sure why. The event was going smoothly. Just like everything she did, it was perfect.

He wondered if there wasn’t more to it, though. The ring in his coat pocket felt like a hundred-pound boulder pulling him down. It was a constant reminder of what he intended to do tonight, although at the moment, he was rethinking his plan. It felt like a proposal would just pile more stress upon Violet, who was already strung tight as a drum.

“Are you worried someone will see us dancing and think too much of it?”

“Yes and no,” Violet admitted. “Just be careful tonight. Betsy just told me that my parents and Beau plan to attend despite me not inviting them.”

Aidan’s brow knit together beneath his mask. Just when he seemed to think he was making progress with her, she would say something that set them back. “Why didn’t you invite them? Don’t you usually include them in foundation events?”

“I do. And they attend when they’re in town. But tonight was different. I didn’t invite them because I didn’t...” Her voice trailed off.

“You didn’t want them to see us together.” Aidan felt a bitter taste rise up in his throat. He knew then that the ring was staying in his pocket tonight, no matter what.

God forbid her rich, perfectionist pare

nts find out she was slumming with someone like him. That had to be why she seemed so adamant about keeping the lid on their relationship. “After everything I told you about my breakup with Iris, I can’t believe you’re going to stand here and tell me you didn’t invite them because I’m not good enough for them to see us together.”

Violet’s eyes widened, filling the large space cut out of her mask. “No. That is absolutely not why I did it. Don’t put horrible words in my mouth like that.”

“Then enlighten me,” he demanded.

Violet sighed and looked around them at the nearby dancers for a moment. “This isn’t about you, Aidan. You are amazing. You’re a great father to Knox. I love every minute I spend with you. This is completely about them. I didn’t want to subject you to them until it was absolutely necessary. I’ve told you how they are with me... I’m never good enough. I wanted to protect you from that. But know that no matter what they say or do, their opinions are their own, not mine.”

“Okay. Then kiss me,” he challenged.

Violet stiffened in his arms. “That isn’t appropriate at a foundation event.”

Aidan only shook his head. “Maybe not, but do it anyway. Thumb your nose at the people who say we’re not a good match and show them all we’re together.”

She glanced around the room, anxiously looking for someone. He parents most likely.

“Come on.” He captured her chin in his hand and gently turned her face toward his. “Kiss me, Violet. Forget about everything and everyone else and show me how you feel about me.”


“If you can’t do this right here, right now, we might as well stop seeing each other and just stick to coparenting Knox. I’m not going to spend our whole relationship as a dark secret you’re afraid of people finding out about.”

Violet’s delicate brow creased in concern as she studied his face. “You’re not my dark secret, Aidan.”

“Then kiss me and prove it.”

Violet sighed and placed a hand against his cheek. “If that’s what it’s going to take for you to believe me, then fine. Let the whole world see this.”